Monday, April 15, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! April 15, 2024

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John Haller’s Prophecy Updates
No Longer What If

Synopsis: Scripture has baffled readers for years, especially when it comes to Israel. Future events involving the Jewish state seemed to be nothing but fantasy since the Jews had been scattered all over the world after 70 AD.

Yet today's headlines are reflecting the very predictions contained in scripture; that the nations will turn against her, a tiny plot of land in the Eastern Mediterranean that until 1948 was an insignificant place in world affairs.

Now Israel is front and center in every news media outlet, and she is under attack. As John will explain, it's no longer "what if" but "how long" before the Lord returns.

Iran’s Attack on Israel
—Theater or Failure?
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories

Host Derek Gilbert: Iran launched its first direct attack on Israel early Sunday. 99% of the 350 drones and missiles were reportedly shot down by Israeli air defenses and allies. The question is whether this attack was designed to fail.

5) Iran attacks Israel;

4) Israel pauses before launching counterattack;

3) Biden administration tells Israel to “take the win”;

2) Sunni Arab states appear to be quietly siding with Israel against Iran;

1) Illegal immigrant fails to rob Ohio bank because he doesn’t speak English and tellers couldn’t understand his demands.

Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Bibi, If You Were Waiting For The Perfect Time To Justifiably Take Out The Iranian Nuclear Bomb Program, Your Moment To Strike Is Right Now

The New York Times reported early Sunday that Biden administration officials were advising Israel against a retaliatory attack on Iran given its successful defense.

So the BIG question on everyone’s mind today is, how will Israel respond to last night’s blistering attack by Iran that launched hundreds of drones and missiles on the sovereign Jewish state. In America, pretend president Joe Biden is telling Bibi Netanyahu to ‘take the win and walk away’. But if I could speak with Bibi, I would tell him something quite different. I would tell him that the moment he’s long waited for, the chance to justifiably take out Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities, arrived last night in all the bombing.

“Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.” Psalm 25:22 (KJV)

The entire world for about 6 hours, was focused on the nation of Israel in one accord, astonished first at all the bombs dropping on Israel, and then flabbergasted at how well Iron Dome, David’s Sling and the Arrow Defense System batted down 99% of everything. Props to the United States and Jordan for helping out as well. But while the world watched Iran attack Israel, in the back of everyone’s mind was the thought that, if Iran ever gets nuclear bombs, they will absolutely use them against the Jewish state. So Bibi, if you are reading this, now is the time you’ve waited for to take out Iran nuclear weapons capability. Rather than causing it, this action would go a long way towards delaying WWIII. Do it now while last night is fresh in people’s minds, and the global community will understand and support you. Wait 6 months or even less, and your moment will be gone. Maybe forever.

Harbingers Daily
Healthy Woman, 28, to Be Euthanized in the Netherlands; Franklin Graham Urges Prayer

By Decision Magazine A physically healthy 28-year-old woman in the Netherlands is scheduled to die by euthanasia in May due to mental illness, according to The Free Press.

Zoraya ter Beek suffers from depression, autism and borderline personality disorder. When her psychiatrist told her that they had tried everything and she was never going to improve, she decided to seek death by euthanasia.

“I wish Zoraya knew how much God loved her,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook Sunday, “and I pray someone can get to her and tell her that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, from Heaven to Earth so she could have forgiveness of her sins and have a relationship with Him.”

Euthanasia cases comprised more than 5% of deaths in the Netherlands in 2022.

Frontpage Mag
126 Killed In Chicago Since Mayor
Called For Ceasefire In Gaza

A Child Is Dead And 10 Other People Are Injured

By Daniel Greenfield: At the end of January, Mayor Brandon Johnson, the corrupt pro-crime leftist in charge of the city, whipped votes and broke a tie to demand that Israel stop attacking his Hamas pals under the guise of calling for a “ceasefire”.

Gaza hasn’t been doing so well since, but neither has Chicago.

Since Mayor Johnson and the cowards and leftists on the City Council called for a ceasefire, 126 people have been killed in Chicago.

That’s right. 126 just in the last several months. (Those are the Trib numbers, Hey Jackass shows 140 for the whole year but it may be listing only murders that occurred as a result of shootings. HJ also shows 539 shot and wounded so far this year.)

And here’s how the Chicago ceasefire is going so far....

Geller Report
Muslims Slaughter 11 Christians, Dozens Wounded, Churches Burned in Nigeria in Brazen Attack Which Targeted Children

By Pamela Geller: The world ignores and looks away because it is Islam.
BREAKING: Another massacre against Christian Nigerians perpetrated by Islamist Fulani militias in Plateau State At least 11 were murdered in Bokkos during a night attack. Dozens wounded Homes & churches burned. Children killed Any protest march planned in London? Why not? — Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 14, 2024
Another massacre against Christian Nigerians perpetrated by Islamist Fulani militias in Plateau State.

Jihad Watch
Iran: As Rockets Hit Israel, Parliamentarians Scream
‘Death To America,’ ‘Death To Israel,’ Hail ‘Warriors Of Islam’

By Robert Spencer: Time for Old Joe to send them another $10 billion. That’ll fix everything.

Note also that they congratulate the “warriors of Islam.” The foes of Israel constantly frame the conflict in Islamic terms, while Western analysts constantly ignore the Islamic aspects of it. Find out why this is so damaging in The Palestinian Delusion.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 04.15.24

Wretched Watchmen
Fowl On The Play:
More Attacks On Food Sources

The Watchtower Clip Synopsis (Not Affiliated With JW): The latest fear campaign is turning a bunch of people into chickens because of chicken... The bird flu is making waves in the news again and coming with it is telling people to avoid chicken, eggs and even steak...

This clip taken from the must-see Episode 191: The Watchtower 04/09/24

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
New Regulation Allows The EPA
To Take Away Meat And Poultry
–Here Come The Bugs!