Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! April 2, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
DIRECT HIT! Israel Takes Out The Consulate Of Iran In Damascus Syria With Stunning Daylight Airstrike That Killed Top Iranian General In The Process

Iran’s consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus was flattened on Monday in what Syrian and Iranian media described as an Israeli air strike, a startling apparent escalation of conflict in the Middle East that would pit Israel against Iran and its allies.

Right now, Israel is fighting wars on 3 fronts, all of them deadly serious. First, Israel is knee-deep in a battle with Hamas in Gaza that been going on for months now, and is about to escalate when the IDF moves into Rafah. Second, Israel has near-daily skirmishes with Hezbollah in Lebanon that grow more intense all the time. Lastly, Israel has been defending against Iranian terror attacks through proxies for many years now, and today it just drastically escalated.

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:2 (KJV)

In Damascus today, in a daring daylight attack, Israel leveled the Iranian consulate there in Syria, and in doing so killed top general Mohammad Reza Zahedi. The Jerusalem Post reports that “Zahedi is the highest-ranking Iranian killed since the current war started, even higher than Sayyed Reza Mousavi, who was killed in December. Besides his wide-ranging responsibilities for terror on Israel’s borders, he was the highest-level interlocutor for Tehran with Hezbollah.” I don’t think we will have to wait all that long until Iran responds, do you?

Harbingers Daily
Trusted Ministry Leader Warns
‘The Poison’ Of Antisemitism Is Spreading Across U.S. Churches

By Breanna Claussen: The October 7th massacre of Jewish people perpetrated by Hamas and the ensuing war has propelled antisemitism to new heights. Even within the United States, a country that has historically been a supporter of Israel and holds a significant self-identifying Christian population, these toxic anti-Israel and anti-Jewish flames have grown significantly.

Amir Tsarfati, Founder and President of the Christian non-profit Behold Israel stationed in Galilee, addressed this trend developing in the United States.

“America has so many troublesome problems to deal with – the border crisis, uncontrolled crime in major cities, destructive colleges, and disrespect from many countries worldwide, just to name a few,” Tsarfati described. “However, I see a huge issue that is often overlooked. It is the tremendous wave of antisemitism that is afflicting ALL parts of society. This includes young and old, liberals and conservatives, Muslims and Christians, celebrities, politicians, media, and so many more.”

Prophecy News Watch
8 Extremely Unusual Events That Will Happen During The Month Of April

By Michael Snyder/End Of The American Dream: When is the last time that there was so much buzz about one month? As we enter April, there is so much anticipation in the air, and it isn't just because of the Great American Eclipse on April 8th.

In recent days, I have heard from so many people that feel like something really big is about to happen. I can feel it too. It is almost as if we are all holding our breath as we wait for the next shoe to drop. Chaos is threatening to erupt all over the globe, and meanwhile signs in the heavens are literally screaming at us to pay attention.

The following are 8 extremely unusual events that will happen during the month of April...

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 04.02.24

Israel Strikes Iranian Consulate In Damascus
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories

Host Derek Gilbert: A senior commander of Iran’s ‘Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ was reportedly among the six people killed Monday in an Israeli airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

5) Kremlin denies report that Russian military intelligence may be behind mysterious “Havana syndrome”;

4) Israel strikes Damascus days after airstrike near Aleppo;

3) Denver begs migrants to go to other “sanctuary cities”;

2) Within 25 years, more than 2/3 of countries’ populations will be dropping;

1) White House press corps asked to please stop stealing things from Air Force One.

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
What Do Governments Know About The Eclipse That They’re Not Telling Us