Monday, April 8, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! April 5, 2024

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Latest Videos & Breaking News 04.08.24

Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired 04.05.24
 With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Experts Now Warning That Bird Flu Could Be The Next Pandemic And Will Be Potentially
‘100 Times Worse’ Than COVID Was

A bird flu pandemic with the potential to be ‘100 times worse than COVID’ may be on the horizon after a rare human case was discovered in Texas, experts have warned.

A pharmaceutical industry consultant for vaccines and the founder of Canada-based BioNiagara who organized the meeting, John Fulton, expressed his concerns. “This appears to be 100 times worse than COVID — or it could be if it mutates and maintains its high case fatality rate,” he said. “Once it’s mutated to infect humans, we can only hope that the fatality rate drops.” Uh-huh, we’ve seen this movie before.

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be;
and that which is done is that which shall be done:
and there is no new thing under the sun.”
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the news headlines are screaming a lot of things these days, war between Israel and Hamas, Israel and Iran, the ‘path of totality’ of the solar eclipse on Monday, the release of the new movie ‘Civil War’ a few days after that, and oh, one more thing, bird flu is shaping up to be the next pandemic. That’s right, bird flu, or more accurately, songbird flu. If you’re waiting for the ‘powers that be’ to slow down a little bit, maybe give you a little break so you can catch your end times breath, that’s not gonna happen.

Harbingers Daily
UK Lawyers Argue Employing Christians May Lead LGBT People To Suicide,
Calls John 3:16 ‘Triggering’

By Christian Concern: (London, United Kingdom) — Over the last week, the Christian Concern community has thrown its weight behind Christian social worker Felix Ngole. I know that he and the whole team are hugely grateful for all the prayer support received.

Felix’s hearing at an employment tribunal in Leeds started this week. On Wednesday, we again witnessed a panel member having to step down for possible bias.

But it’s easy to miss amidst the drama just how important Felix’s case is.

Felix is a kind, Christian man; exactly the sort of person you would want as a Mental Health Support Worker. Touchstone Support Leeds initially recognised this, offering Felix the role.

But the charity withdrew the offer after discovering his Christian beliefs about marriage and saying Felix must promise to embrace and promote ‘homosexual rights’.

Most people would immediately see that this is barefaced discrimination.

However, the charity’s lawyers are relying on a dangerous argument that, if accepted, might not just keep Felix out of a job. It could spell disaster for the freedoms of Biblical Christians to hold jobs.

Prophecy News Watch
A Preview Of The Spirit of Antichrist - Eliminating God From The Calendar

By Mark Hitchcock/Harbinger News: On March 29th, President Biden signed a White House proclamation observing March 31st as "Transgender Visibility Day." This year, that day coincided with Easter Sunday, the holiest day on the Christian calendar--and the most important day in human history.

This has been a major topic in the news, and I'm sure you've all heard about it. It was especially disturbing to Christians as we were celebrating the resurrection of our Savior.

Now, we always want to be fair, even to people with whom we disagree. To be fair to President Biden, "Transgender Visibility Day" has actually been on the calendar for March 31st since 2009. Therefore, he was recognizing something that was already in place. Having said that, he did go out of his way to highlight and draw undue attention to it--going as far as to sign this proclamation.

Putting these two celebrations on equal footing is an outrage and blasphemy. This represents a larger agenda of the government's years-long erosion and assault on morality and the Christian faith. In some cases, laws today are even being weaponized against Christians.

When I heard about this "proclamation," my mind immediately went to Daniel 7:25, a verse about the coming anti-Christ.