Sunday, April 7, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! Weekend Edition

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Crosstalk America Christian Radio

News Roundup & Comment

Synopsis: Dalton Windsor was at the helm this week, bringing news headlines of importance to Christians worldwide. Stories included:

Earlier today, New Jersey and New York suffered a 4.8 magnitude earthquake.

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan resulted in collapsed buildings, landslides and at least 9 deaths.

According to a Wall Street Journal poll, President Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump in nearly all battleground states that helped decide the 2020 election regardless of whether 3rd party candidates are factored in.

President Biden finalized new civil service protections that are aimed at preventing the sort of bureaucratic house cleaning that former President Donald Trump plans should he win re-election.

A new poll indicates that over two-thirds of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of the southern border.

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants have flown in to Texas and Florida as part of expanded immigration parole procedures.

Illegal immigrant alien deported 7 times arrested for murder in Butler County, Ohio.

Peter Doocy of Fox News presses the White House on release of migrants who allegedly beat Texas National Guardsman.

An alleged smuggler was arrested in Kentucky charged with bringing minors across the border and producing child pornography.

A federal judge ordered the U.S. government to expeditiously house migrant children who illegally enter the U.S. instead of allowing them to remain in open-air locations along the border.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law permitting immediate removal of squatters.

President Joe Biden is funding border security in foreign nations.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20b) The last prayer in the Bible

Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
A Very Rare Earthquake Rocked New Jersey And The Tri-State Area Right Before We Started Today’s Podcast About The Crazy End Times We Live In

A rare earthquake rocked the New Jersey and New York City area Friday morning, swaying buildings and sending terrified residents into the streets, the strongest temblor to hit the Big Apple in 130 years.

If you are still counting along with us, today is Day 1,481 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and each day brings a new appreciation of the end times we live in. As I was preparing today’s Podcast on the possible coming Bird Flu pandemic, news came of a very rare and powerful earthquake rocked New Jersey, and it was felt in New York City and all the boroughs as well. My good friend and brother in the Lord, Pastor Dave, texted me while we were on-air and said this “I’ve never felt anything like that before went on for a good 20 seconds here at work the whole building shook, sounded like a explosion or freight train coming through. Crazy!” I can’t think of a better way to describe it than that. Crazy.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”
2 Timothy 3:1 (KJV)

Christian, are you still on the sidelines after all this time, what are you waiting for? As the never-ending torrent of bad news continues to assault people’s minds and spirit on a daily basis, we who are saved have been charged with being a witness of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why don’t you purchase a dozen copies of the excellent witnessing tool “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” by end times author Dr. Bill Grady, and hand them out where you live. You have been called to the fight, so let’s get to it!

Harbingers Daily
The Spirit Of Antichrist In America— Eliminating God From Our Calendar

By Mark Hitchcock: On March 29th, President Biden signed a White House proclamation observing March 31st as “Transgender Visibility Day.” This year, that day coincided with Easter Sunday, the holiest day on the Christian calendar—and the most important day in human history.

This has been a major topic in the news, and I’m sure you’ve all heard about it. It was especially disturbing to Christians as we were celebrating the resurrection of our Savior.

Now, we always want to be fair, even to people with whom we disagree. To be fair to President Biden, “Transgender Visibility Day” has actually been on the calendar for March 31st since 2009. Therefore, he was recognizing something that was already in place. Having said that, he did go out of his way to highlight and draw undue attention to it—going as far as to sign this proclamation.

Putting these two celebrations on equal footing is an outrage and blasphemy. This represents a larger agenda of the government’s years-long erosion and assault on morality and the Christian faith. In some cases, laws today are even being weaponized against Christians.

Off Grid With Doug & Stacy
Solar Eclipse With A Twist!
Did You Know This....

Synopsis: The coming Solar Eclipse has a lot of weird with it!!!

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Jason A
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