Sunday, April 14, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! Weekend Edition

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Crosstalk America Christian Radio

News Roundup & Comment

Synopsis: Today Dalton Windsor did us the honor of sharing several news stories. Here is a sampling of the various topics:

Federal law enforcement officials are concerned that the U.S. will come under attack much like Israel has;

Dearborn MI: Protestors shout 'death to America' and 'death to Israel' in addition to 'America is the most rotten country on the earth';

FBI arrests 18-year-old in Idaho after uncovering a truly horrific and violent plot to attack churches on behalf of ISIS;

Milwaukee WI school receives second bomb threat in 5 days;

Watertown WI police respond to threat on local church;

Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu will invade Rafah despite international objections, one of which is from President Biden;

Three sons of Hamas leader killed in air strike in Gaza;

Hungary has condemned plans for NATO military alliance mission in Ukraine;

Christians in Ukraine face torture and destruction of churches at the hands of Russia;

Biden Administration still hasn't set a trial date for the man who planned to kill Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh;

Clinton Administration had 9 opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20b) The last prayer in the Bible

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 04.14.24

Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired 04.12.24
 With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
The Middle East Is On Edge Today As Israel Braces For ‘Imminent Direct Attack’ From Iran, Says Will Hit Back Hard

Israel is preparing for an imminent direct attack from Iran; Tehran yet to decide, as Middle East remains on high alert

Israel is preparing for a direct attack from Iran on southern or northern Israel as soon as Friday or Saturday, according to a person familiar with the matter. A person briefed by the Iranian leadership, however, said that while plans to attack are being discussed, no final decision has been made, says the Wall Street Journal today. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking from an air base in southern Israel, also on Thursday, vowed to respond directly against any attack on Israel. “Whoever harms us, we will harm them. We are prepared to meet all of the security needs of the State of Israel, both defensively and offensively,” Game on.

“And it came to pass in process of time,
that the children of Ammon made war against Israel.”
Judges 11:4 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the scenarios involve attacks by Tehran’s proxies in Syria and Iraq, for which Iran delivered drones out of warehouses in recent days, according to advisers to the IRGC and the Syrian government. Iran and its allies could also attack the Golan—a disputed territory annexed by Israel from Syria in 1981—or even Gaza, they said, to avoid an attack within Israel’s internationally recognized territory. Another option would be to strike at Israeli Embassies, notably in the Arab world, to show them that friendly ties with Tel Aviv could be costly, these people said. Meanwhile, the international community has been scrambling to avoid an escalation. Everywhere you look, wars and rumours of wars, exactly how your King James Bible says it will be in the last days. Today we cover all the breaking news coming out of the Middle East, as well as what you need to know about the new ‘Civil War’ movie that’s out in theaters today.

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
We Are Blowing The Lid Off The Plot To Jail You For Free Speech On John B Wells Show!

Harbingers Daily
A Week Filled With
‘Wars And Rumors Of Wars’

By Amir Tsarfati: (Galilee, Israel) — Shalom from Northern Israel. What a week it has been. If there’s a biblical phrase that best describes my region of the world over the last seven days, it’s “wars and rumors of wars”. From the attack in Syria that killed multiple high-level Iranian personnel to the looming war with Hezbollah in the north to the imminent invasion of the IDF into Rafah in the Gaza Strip, the tension has reached unprecedented levels. If that’s not enough, Israel is making preparations for a potential and imminent confrontation with Iran in the days ahead. More on that below.

What’s worse is that Israel’s longtime friend in the west, the United States, has become unreliable during some of Israel’s darkest days since the nation was reborn in 1948. This is largely due to the current administration. Moreover, some well-known “conservative” voices in the west are beginning to adopt the mindset that it’s un-American to pour resources into other countries, including Israel. To those considering this same mindset, I would challenge you with a simple reminder that God will one day judge the nations based on their treatment of Israel, and Israel only.

Geller Report
Iran Launches Direct Attack On Israel

By Pamela Geller: Enough is enough. I hope Israel bombs Tehran and does the world a massive kindness. Iran is only doing this now because of the craven quisling regime in the White House.

Iraqi Security Officials have Confirmed that Dozens of One-Way “Suicide” Drones have been Detected over Southern and Eastern Iraq after entering via Iranian Airspace and that they are heading West.

According to a U.S. Official, between 50-75 One-Way “Suicide” Drones have been launched by Iran against Israel.

Iraqi Security Forces have been placed on High Alert.

Losing Control Of The Border
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories

Host Derek Gilbert: A Fox News reporter was told by Border Patrol agents in New Mexico that Mt. Cristo Rey is “no longer ours”—meaning that it’s under the control of Mexican drug cartels running illegal migrants into the country.

5) U.S. intelligence warns Israel that Iranian missile attack could come within days;

4) Pastor interviewed by Tucker Carlson organizes anti-Israel Christ at the Checkpoint conferences;

3) Border Patrol in New Mexico admits that U.S. territory is controlled by Mexican cartels;

2) General Mills, other food producers backing social media “anti-diet” trends;

1) Harvard “honesty researcher” fudged data and plagiarized sections of her published research.

Jerusalem Dateline
Iranian Retaliation ‘Imminent’

Synopsis: The IDF prepares to retaliate if Iran strikes, Hezbollah's new weapons capabilities, David Friedman's proposal for a one-state solution and Israeli-American Dan Gordon on historic connections between Christians and Zionism & his Oct 7 specials.

The Economic Collapse
Will Much Of The Middle East Soon Be Turned Into “A Pile Of Smoking, Radioactive Rubble”?

By Michael Snyder: Most people have absolutely no idea how close we are to a nightmare scenario in the Middle East. Yesterday, I wrote about the fact that Bloomberg was reporting that an Iranian attack on Israel was “imminent”. At that time we were waiting for the other shoe to drop in the Middle East, and we are still waiting. Ynet News is claiming that Iran was “ready to launch its attack on Israel” but had a change of heart before it pulled the trigger…
Iran was ready to launch its attack on Israel but decided to change or postpone it by a few days, likely after warnings from the Biden administration. Overnight, the official Iranian news agency Mehr posted on X that that Iran temporarily grounded all air activity over Tehran’s airspace starting from midnight due to “military maneuvers.” Mehr also shared a video showing missiles with the caption “Maybe tonight… Stay tuned.” The agency quickly deleted both items.
I think that the Iranians realize that if they strike Israeli territory there will be an overwhelming response from the IDF.

And Joe Biden is promising “ironclad” support for Israel if the Iranians attack . . .

Stew Peters Network
Millstone Report Paul Harrell:
Chemtrail 'CONSPIRACY' Goes Mainstream,
Canada Euthanasia SKYROCKETS

Synopsis: Kari Lake embraces Hillary Clinton pro-baby murder talking points from the 1990s.