Thursday, May 23, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! May 23, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
With $500 Million In Revenue,
End Times Villain Klaus Schwab Choses
To Step Back From Executive Leadership Of The Dystopian World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab will be stepping back from his role running the global gathering since he founded it in 1971.

There is perhaps no name more associated with these crazy times we live in than that of Klaus Schwab. With his thick German accent that always reminds you of a Nazi leader addressing the troops, Klaus Schwab has had a seemingly endless bag of tricks he has threatened us with for a great many years now. His trademark catch phrase of ‘you’ll own nothing and like it’ rolls off the tongue like a dusting of cricket flour as we watch 15-Minute Cities being constructed all around us. Is he really retiring? No, he is not, he’s just changing seats as the movie continues to play out.

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
John 8:44

The big question is who will take his place? We know that his daughter, Natalie Schwab, is fully onboard with the rising dystopia, and has threatened climate lockdowns many times. George Soros is being succeeded by his son Alex Soros, and we fully expect the evil machinations to continue unabated. Whoever replaces Klaus Schwab, you can rest assured his directives will be carried out. Whether you realize it or not, but our world is controlled by a very small handful of people who have the majority of the money, and they’ll continue working for their father right up to the end. It is, after all, a family business.

Harbingers Daily
Marxism Has Made Americans Easy Prey To Anti-Israel Propaganda

By Mark Henry: God’s plan is that through the Jewish people, individuals from every tribe, tongue, and nation, from every generation, would experience a blessing, whose name is Jesus. That same group of people, the Jews, would be responsible for giving us the Book of books, which is the Bible.

In God’s Word, we see that there are two kingdoms—God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom.

Satan has done everything he could to destroy the Jews in the past because of those two promises from God—which would result in not only the blessing of the Jewish people but the entire world. Those may have already been fulfilled, But God still has outstanding promises to the Jews, and Satan is still trying to destroy them today.

That’s why we’re watching a war, again, unfold in the Middle East. Quite honestly, this war is something we’re not used to seeing. What we are seeing isn’t just a war about redrawing some lines on a map—this is a war where the goal of one side is to eradicate the Jewish people.

Prophecy News Watch
Is ‘The Big One’ Coming? More Than
1000 Earthquakes Shake California

By Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream: Scientists have warned us that California is way overdue for a major earthquake and that "the Big One" could literally strike at any time. That is why I was so alarmed when the Los Angeles Times reported that "two sets of earthquake swarms" had just hit the state.

After seeing that story, I went over to the Southern California Earthquake Data Center to check how many earthquakes have shaken the region during the past week. As I write this article, the total number of earthquakes in California and Nevada in the last 7 days is sitting at a grand total of 1010.

To me, whenever that number goes above 1000 we are officially in the danger zone. Hopefully there will not be a very large earthquake in California any time soon, but when there is this much shaking going on we should all be on alert.

The biggest quake that has hit the region this week is one that shook Imperial County very early on Monday...

Geller Report
Prominent American Muslim Declares:
‘We Are On The Road To The White House’

By Paul Schnee: This is terrifying.

We cannot have our constitution subverted by this stealth jihad about which my colleagues and I have been writing for years.

Do you think our military could be relied upon to round these people up and kill or deport them?
Disgustingly, the “We Are Hamas!!” crowd has become much more emboldened in recent years and we can see how our educational institutions have already been grievously subverted. Most people are too busy to pay attention and tend to mock the likes of us as alarmists or white supremacists.

The preposterous assertion of Biden and the Leftocracy that America is under threat from white supremacy is part of the persistent effort to undermine our democracy in favor of a tribal, authoritarian, undemocratic regime.

The Biden/Obama administration is chock full of jihadis including in our security apparatus. If Biden wins in November this process will be unstoppable.

Frontpage Mag
All The Aid From Biden’s Gaza Pier Was Seized By Hamas

That Was $300 Million In Taxpayer Money Well Spent

By Daniel Greenfield: If you’re keeping track, Biden announced that America was going to spend two months building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza at a cost of $300 million that would be operated by the U.S. military.

Then the pier came under attack by terrorists, was withdrawn to the Israeli port of Ashdod for repairs while the Biden administration conducted backchannel talks with Hamas urging it not to attack the pier, then redeployed for aid deliveries and it’s been a smashing success.

For Hamas.

The good news was that the Pentagon press secretary announced that 569 metric tons of humanitarian assistance has been delivered across the temporary pier in Gaza.

The bad news was that according to the same press secretary, none of the aid has gotten through to any recognized aid distribution points.

Did the aid get to the people of Gaza? “I do not believe so,” he answered.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 05.23.24

Terror Groups Threaten Gaza Pier
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories

Host Derek Gilbert: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a warning that foreigners in Gaza, including Americans, working to bring aid to civilians would come under fire, threatening to drag other nations into this war.

5) Arab terror groups threaten to disrupt aid to Gaza;

4) Fatah joins Hamas in attacks on IDF in Samaria;

3) BLM sues group funding pro-Hamas campus protests;

2) Plasma physicist warns that space junk may be messing with Earth’s magnetic field;

1) New York Mayor Adams wants to hire migrants as lifeguards for city pools because they’re “excellent swimmers.”

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
Government Will Imprison Anyone Who Has Ever Posted ‘Hate Speech’
–Conspiracy Theorists To Be Arrested!

A Minute To Midnite
The Luciferian Global Elite Ratchet up the Sinister String Pulling!

Synopsis: Alex Newman joins Tony K. So many big developments as we speed towards a global government controlled by evil men.

Behold Israel
Amir Tsarfati: The Trumpet of the Rapture

Synopsis: Dear saints, take comfort in the fact that this ever-darkening world indicates that the unknown day and hour when the dead in Christ and those alive in Christ will meet the Lord in the air to forever be with Him, just might be today!