Friday, May 24, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! May 24, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
Hamas Rejoices As Three European Nations – Ireland, Norway And Spain – Recognize A State Of Palestine As Israel Urgently Recalls Their Ambassadors

Israel reacted with fury after three European countries said Wednesday they would recognize a Palestinian state, more than seven months into the devastating war with Hamas in Gaza

We have been waiting for this ever since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th of 2023, three major European nations are recognizing a Palestinian state, with many more to follow. Saudi Arabia has often said that the price of them signing the Abraham Accords with Israel is the creation of a Palestinian state on Jewish land. Exactly how the prophet Joel says it will go.

“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.” Joel 3:2

For 15 years since we started Now The End Begins, we have been pointing to and warning of this day, and now it looks like for all intents and purposes, that day is now arriving on little cat feet. But that cat will turn out to be the ‘roaring lion’, not of the tribe of Judah, but the roaring lion of the Devil in the form of Antichrist. Hold on to your chapiters, people, your King James Bible is about to let its presence be palpably felt amongst the nations. A Palestinian state, the Abraham Accords, and the confirmation of the covenant are coming at us like an end times freight train. Aren’t you glad the Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines is getting ready to take off?

Harbingers Daily
The Push For A ‘Palestinian State’ Demonstrates The Spiritual Blindness Of Our Days

By Amir Tsarfati: (Galilee, Israel) — What a bizarre and interesting week it has been regarding events in the Middle East.

Since the onset of Israel’s operations in Rafah, the IDF has uncovered more than 700 terror tunnel shafts belonging to Hamas – and over 50 tunnels that funnel into Egypt to the south. As you’re likely aware of by now, Israel’s decision (which was the correct decision) to enter Rafah in a move to end Hamas and free the remaining hostages was not met with approval by a host of the international community. In fact, the IDF only made the decision to reveal its findings regarding the tunnels in Rafah for the benefit of the discussion in the Hague and the international justification for the action in Rafah.

Sadly, the bodies of more Israeli hostages were uncovered by the IDF in Rafah. The three bodies belonged to Yitzhak Gelernter, Amit Buskila, and Shani Louk. We expect more to be found. It’s worth noting that the Rafah situation could and likely will have negative ramifications regarding the relationship between Israel and Egypt.

Tragically, the Hague is maintaining its hypocrisy and ignorance when it comes to the survival of the Jewish state as it sympathizes with terrorists in Gaza. Apparently, the burning, raping, kidnapping, and slaughtering of over 1,200 Jews isn’t enough justification for what we’re doing in Rafah, not to mention the fact that an overwhelming amount of evidence shows that Hamas sees to oppressing its own people.

At this stage, over 800,000 Gazans have been evacuated from Rafah. 277 IDF soldiers have died since the ground operation in Gaza began.

End Of The American Dream
The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time

By Michael Snyder: Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly at the end of this month.

The global pandemic treaty will give the World Health Organization far more authority than it had during the last pandemic, and a lot of people are deeply concerned about how that power will be used during the next major health crisis.

As you will see below, two more human cases of the bird flu have just been confirmed. If the bird flu mutates into a form that can spread easily from human to human, that will create an enormous amount of fear, and the death toll could potentially be catastrophic. In such an environment, what sort of extreme measures would the World Health Organization decide to institute?

In recent weeks, negotiators have been feverishly working to finalize the global pandemic treaty. The following comes directly from the official WHO website…

Geller Report
Hamas Top Dog Thanks American University Students For Their Support

“Because annihilating the Jews is good for humanity.”

By Pamela Geller: This is the poison fruit of the left’s takeover/takedown of what once was the finest university system in the world. Horrible. This a dark stain on American history. Disgusting.

“The activities and the programs that you have held throughout the past 8 months – you should continue them.”

“Continue your financial Jihad. We want a continuous financial Flood, in support of Gaza, to provide the people shelter, aid, and food, in support of the mujahideen, and in order to buy weapons for them.”

Frontpage Mag
As U.S. Suffers Inflation, Treasury Sec Vows to Protect Cash for Terrorists

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen vowed on Thursday
to use “all diplomatic efforts” to thwart Israel

By Daniel Greenfield: Polls show that Biden is on the verge of losing the election because (despite the nonstop stream of media lies) the economy is miserable and most of the country is suffering. Inflation is destroying the value of savings and wages. People can’t afford food or rent. They’re willing to vote for anyone not named Biden.

You would think that this would be a priority for Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, at least as a matter of practical self-preservation. But for leftist ideologues, the priority is destroying America and aiding its enemies.

That’s why Yellen is laser-focused on ensuring that Islamic terrorists get the cash they need.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 05.24.24

PA Uses ICC to Weaken Israel and Hamas
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories

Host Derek Gilbert: The accession of the Palestinian Authority in 2014 to the International Criminal Court was a naked political ploy to damage its main rivals for power: Israel and Hamas.

5) ICC indicts Israel’s Netanyahu, Gallant and Hamas leaders Haniyeh and Sinwar;

4) F-35 tech glitches costing U.S taxpayers billions;

. 3) California sets record for most baptisms in single event;

2) Liberals lose minds over commencement address by Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker;

1) Mercedes-Benz introduces electric SUV with V-8 engine sound effects.

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
If The Globalists Want Your Property, They Will Get It Even If They Have To Commit Murder!

John Haller’s Prophecy Updates
Up In Your Grill

Synopsis: It's one thing to have an opinion (even if it's wrong.) But it's quite another when the radical left wing wants you to not only condone their beliefs, but endorse and celebrate them. They will not hesitate to attack and get "up in your grill" to try to intimidate and influence you.

But we know the Truth...and the Truth has set us free. We do not need to fear those who want to impose their opinions on us, nor do we need to compromise. We must stand strong in our faith, and ride this storm out until our Lord makes it all right.

Behold Israel
Amir Tsarfati: The Trumpet of the Rapture

Synopsis: Dear saints, take comfort in the fact that this ever-darkening world indicates that the unknown day and hour when the dead in Christ and those alive in Christ will meet the Lord in the air to forever be with Him, just might be today!