Monday, May 27, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! May 27, 2024

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Crosstalk America Christian Radio

News Roundup & Comment

Synopsis: Below are some of the highlights from Jim’s look at news events from our nation and around the world. Stories included:

Jim led off this program with condolences to Republican Missouri State Representative Ben Baker. His daughter and son-in-law died after violent gangs attacked them while they were serving as missionaries in Haiti.

The top U.N. court has ordered Israel to immediately halt their military offensive in Rafah in southern Gaza.

U.S. House of Representative Speaker Mike Johnson said that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has agreed to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress.

House Speaker Johnson said the House may vote on sanctions against the International Criminal Court for seeking an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Germany said Wednesday that it will abide by the I.C.C. arrest warrant and they will detain Netanyahu should he set foot on German soil.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen vowed Thursday to use all diplomatic efforts to thwart the plans of Bezalel Yoel Smotrich, Israel’s Finance Minister, to cut Palestinian Authority banks off from the Jewish state’s financial system.

Spain, Norway and Ireland tried recognizing a Palestinian state. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council noted that if you’re going to recognize a Palestinian state, you have to have land.

The bodies of 3 hostages were rescued overnight during a joint IDF and ISA operation.

None of the 569 tons of aid that President Joe Biden sent to Gaza via the floating pier that was constructed by our military has reached the Palestinian people. The pier was a 320 million dollar effort.

Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson unveiled evidence on Wednesday that former Secretary of State John Kerry’s State Department actively interfered with the FBI’s attempt to arrest people suspected of being in the U.S. illegally to support Iran’s efforts to create weapons of mass destruction.

Senator Ted Cruz grilled Secretary of State Antony Blinken at a Senate Appropriations hearing over how much oil Iran imports.

Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, will step down from his leadership role.

Pope Francis believes the world is at the point of no return and that climate change is a “road to death.” He places the blame on wealthier nations.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20b) The last prayer in the Bible

Harbingers Daily
Conversations With The Dead Through AI?:
Technology Is Taking Deception
To A Whole New Level

By David Bowen: If you could, would you want to talk with someone who has died? What if that person was someone you deeply loved and cared for?

I asked if you could because we now have technology that promises to make that scenario possible. Here’s a technology issue: it doesn’t go backward once it reaches a certain level. It only advances. Our world is now promoting it has the technology to have a conversation with the dead.

Dadbot and HereAfter AI How do these conversations take place? Through a chatbot called Dadbot. Dadbot is on an interactive app called HereAfter AI. This app promotes the idea that you can now talk to your deceased loved one, and they can talk back.

Dadbot technology and HereAfter AI were introduced within the last seven years. Both are technological platforms that, as they say, let the dead live on. Loved ones interact with a customized voice avatar using a smart speaker, mobile app, or desktop app. The avatar responds to questions through Alexa voice recognition technology.

End Of The American Dream
Now The Globalists Want To Send NATO Troops Into Ukraine And Use Western Missiles To Hit Targets Deep Inside Russia

By Michael Snyder: The globalists are apparently trying to see how close they can get to the precipice without causing a cataclysmic nuclear war to erupt. They are telling us that “momentum” is building to send NATO troops into Ukraine, and they want to allow Ukraine to use western missiles to hit targets deep inside Russia. Have they gone completely and utterly insane? They are literally dragging us to the brink of nuclear war. And once the Russians conclude that nuclear war has become inevitable, they are not just going to sit back and see what happens. The Russians have been preparing for a nuclear war for many years, and they understand that whoever strikes first will have the best chance of surviving.

Right now, the Russians are steadily gaining ground in Ukraine and the globalists are becoming increasingly desperate.

If NATO commits to sending troops into Ukraine, there will be no turning back and NATO troops will remain in Ukraine until the war is concluded.

This is a line that must not be crossed, but the globalists are seriously thinking about doing it anyway. The following comes from an article in a British news source entitled “WW3 fears explode as drive to deploy NATO troops in Ukraine ‘clearly’ building momentum”...

Geller Report
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence: NOVA

By Pamela Geller: Here is footage recorded by Hamas themselves, victims and first responders at the Nova festival on 7th October. Unimaginable carnage and violence, all to the constant screams of “allahu kabar!”

This film should be projected on buildings, screens, arenas, ‘encampments’, college graduation ceremonies all across the country. It should be projected onto the UN building and down at the World Trace Center.

Horrifying but must be seen.

Story continues below advertisement “An indescribable disaster”

“There are corpses in every corner everywhere.”

“Stacks! Stacks! Stacks of corpses!”

Never again is not some cheesy slogan. Israel must not stop until this devil is defeated.

The Last Refuge
Biden Reminds West Point Graduates of their Political Duty to Interfere in Election if Leftist Vision of Democracy is Threatened

By Sundance: Judicial Watch Tom Fitton puts it this way: “In a speech today at West Point, Biden, who is directly trying to jail his political opponent, suggested the United States military must be prepared to intervene in domestic political affairs against President Trump.”

Many political followers have likely tracked the Obama-era emphasis about changing the intents, purposes and mission of the U.S. military. During the Obama administration the ideologues who traveled with the Lightbringer, looked at the Pentagon through the prism of domestic affairs; essentially, how can the Dept of Defense be shifted to support the anticolonial effort?

With standards changed to accommodate women in combat, the U.S. military had been increasingly shifting toward political correctness and gender inclusion since the late 1980’s. However, it was Obama Inc who pushed wokeism to be the primary effort of military leadership. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a Marxist tool for domestic manipulation of military and social engineering.

By the time we see the issues behind Defense Secretary James Mattis, Joint Chief’s Chairman Mark Milley, and the attitude of Alexander Vindman et al, it was already too late. Just like the DOJ and FBI the “fundamental transformation” of the Pentagon was fully metastasized. Our USA military leadership are now predicted to operate just like the Chinese Mongolian divisions during Tiananmen Square massacre. If you doubt this comrade, please remind yourself how the U.S. military was used to enforce COVID-19 compliance.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 05.27.24

Jason A
Something Strange Is Happening in China!

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
On May 27th (Today),
America’s Constitutional Republic
Comes To An Official End

Stew Peters Network
Millstone Report With Paul Harrell
Pagan FEAR Of DEATH Drives God Complex, IVF & Build-A-Baby

Synopsis: The global elite are terrified of dying and want to cheat death.

Behold Israel
Amir Tsarfati: The Trumpet of the Rapture

Synopsis: Dear saints, take comfort in the fact that this ever-darkening world indicates that the unknown day and hour when the dead in Christ and those alive in Christ will meet the Lord in the air to forever be with Him, just might be today!