Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! May 7, 2024

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Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired DD.MM.24
 With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
As Israel Prepares Invasion Of Rafah, Communist Leader Xi Visits Europe To Visit Only With Powerbroker Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron emerges as the main powerbroker in Europe as Israel prepares for ‘imminent’ invasion of Rafah after Hamas attack on Holocaust Remembrance Day

Communist leader Xi’s choice of France as the sole major European power to visit indicates the relative warmth in Sino-French relations since Macron made his own state visit to China in April 2023 and acknowledges the French leader’s stature as an EU powerbroker. “It is in our interest to get China to weigh in on the stability of the international order,” said Macron in an interview with the Economist published on Thursday. “We must, therefore, work with China to build peace,” he added. In America, chants of ‘Genocide Joe!’ ring out across college campuses, in the Middle East Israel is about to invade Rafah, and Russia announces nuclear weapons drills. Is that enough end times action for you today? Well, buckle up, there’s a whole lot more than that going on.

“And they were all amazed, and they glorified God, and were filled with fear, saying, We have seen strange things to day.” Luke 5:26 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, many things are happening this week, all of which have major impact on the world order. Israel is going ahead with its planned invasion of Rafah after Hamas has killed 4 IDF solders in an attack on Kerem Shalom on Sunday. Amazingly, after all the bombing by Israel, Hamas seems to be alive and well, and able to attack and do damage at will. Eight decades after the end of the Holocaust, Israel again faces a “ruthless and brutal” enemy who seeks its destruction, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared at the official state Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Yad Vashem on Sunday evening. The leader of Communist China, Xi Jinping, has sent a signal to the international community that he considers French Leader Emmanuel Macron to be the powerbroker in Europe by coming to the continent and visiting only Macron. That’s a huge step forward for our ‘man of sin’ candidate Emmanuel Jean Michel Frederic Macron. In America, the incessant chanting of ‘Genocide Joe!’ has led to reports that the Biden administration has stopped shipments of ammunition to Israel. Russia’s nuclear forces exercising isn’t exactly unheard of, but this is the first time such a thing has been announced in advance, making clear the apparent intent to intimidate. Today our cup is filled to overflowing with all the end times news you need to know about on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast!

Harbingers Daily
Did God Change His Mind?:
United Methodist Church Chooses To Embrace And Welcome Sin

By Joseph Kerr: The United Methodist Church (UMC) voted on May 3 to change its bylaws (called Book of Discipline), repealing its longstanding ban on same-sex marriages by its clergy or in its churches. The change allows clergy to be homosexuals themselves and to perform all homosexual ceremonies celebrating homosexual unions.

The decision followed a repeal of language banning homosexuality among the clergy two days earlier. The UMC had for 52 years labeled homosexuality as “incompatible with Christian teachings” but chose to remove that language as well. They also changed the marriage clause to read: “a covenant between two adults” rather than limiting it to heterosexual couples.

Some UMC churches have tried to remain neutral, but neutrality is a fallacy. There is no uncommitted zone here. Choosing a side on this sin or any sin in Scripture will be controversial to someone who wants to commit that sin, but that’s not how we decide. Any doctor can tell you cancer is still deadly, even if we all stop calling it a disease and start calling it “alternative health.”

There is no safe or “centrist” position on sexual perversion. There is never a middle ground between truth and lies (1 John 1:5-7). Not taking sides IS taking a side. Jesus said, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me…” (Luke 11:23). You side with God, or you side with sin; God never allows a muddy middle to avoid being involved in the controversy.

Prophecy News Watch
Massive Pushback Against Biden Plan To Bring Gaza Refugees Into U.S.

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/israel 365 News: Recent media reports cited top officials in the Biden administration as saying they are considering granting refugees from Gaza permanent status in the US.

The claim was first reported in CBS News which claimed to have obtained "internal federal government documents" showing "senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies who have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents."

The Gazans would be brought into the US as part of the United States Refugee Admissions Program Ironically, the plan would require coordination with Egypt, which has so far refused to welcome refugees from Gaza. Upon arriving in the US, the Gazans would be granted permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance, and a path to American citizenship.

Since the beginning of the conflict, the United States has helped more than 1,800 American citizens and their families leave Gaza, many of whom have come to the US.

Russia Responds To ‘Provocative Statements And Threats’ By Western Officials About Sending Troops Into Ukraine With Nuclear Drills And Threats Of Its Own

Retired U.S. Army colonel: ‘They’re not bluffing’; Russian tactical nuke drills are loud warning to U.S./NATO to stay out of Ukraine

By Leo Hohmann: Russian troops are sitting at the doorstep of victory in Ukraine, whose forces look just weeks away from collapsing given the current situation on the ground. Ukraine is losing 500 to 800 men every day and showing signs of cracking.

But Western globalists are talking tougher than ever and threatening Russia with new forms of direct military warfare from the West. Don’t believe for a second that our Western puppet leaders will let go of their anti-Russia, anti-Putin crusade — they’re too far in, have too much invested, and there’s simply too much money to be made by their financial benefactors.

Government officials in the US, UK and France continue to ratchet up the war rhetoric against Russia by threatening the country with Western troops and the possibility of using UK-supplied long-range missiles to strike deep into the heart of Russia.

If Russia succeeds in its war with Ukraine, and it’s not a matter of if but when, U.S. Democratic House leader Hakeem Jeffries announced on CBS News Sunday that the U.S. will intervene directly with troops. Think about what this means.

Geller Report
IDF Trying to Evacuate Gazans,
“We Aren’t Leaving, Kill the Children”

By Pamela Geller: This is the kind of subhuman savagery the Israelis have to deal with, a culture that lives for death.
Chilling convo between an IDF officer and a Gaza resident. IDF Officer: You need to evacuate for your own safety Story continues below advertisement Gazan: “We want to die” IDF officer: “You need to to leave, the blast radius will be immense and it will effect you” Gazan: “We aren’t leaving, Ki*ll the children”

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 05.07.24

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
The Real Reasons Why The Ukraine War Is Still Being Fought

Jason A
Strange Booms Worldwide!

John Haller’s Prophecy Updates
Student Protests?:
Welcome to Say-What?-i-Stan

Synopsis: Demands for zip ties and vegan only feed emanate from behind the makeshift barricades as echoes of "from the mountains to the sea..." reverberate through the marbled halls and from the color-coordinated, cookie-cutter tents popping up on campus lawns like dandelions in the Spring. Who is behind this movement that many times feature those who live alternative lifestyles while supporting the very people who would throw them from rooftops?

Welcome to Say-What?-i-Stan", where common sense is no longer common and where absurdity is demonstrated by being absurd.

Behold Israel
Amir Tsarfati: The Trumpet of the Rapture

Synopsis: Dear saints, take comfort in the fact that this ever-darkening world indicates that the unknown day and hour when the dead in Christ and those alive in Christ will meet the Lord in the air to forever be with Him, just might be today!