Sunday, May 5, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! Weekend Edition

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Crosstalk America Christian Radio

News Roundup & Comment

Synopsis: Dalton Windsor filled in for Jim this week and here's a sample of the news stories he had to offer:

4 law enforcement officers were killed on Monday and 4 other officers injured in Charlotte, NC, after being shot while attempting to serve a warrant.

The European Union's foreign policy chief says that several EU member states will recognize Palestinian statehood by the end of May, despite Israeli opposition.

The International Olympic Committee has made it clear that Palestine will be represented as if it is its own nation at the Olympics.

The U.S. has announced that 5 Israeli military units committed grave human rights violations against Palestinians in the West Bank before Hamas launched its attack on October 7th.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he would not accept an end to the war in Gaza as part of a potential hostage deal.

Former U.S. Army Vice Chief of Staff General Jack Keane says sources reveal Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is protecting himself and his family with multiple Israeli hostages.

At a press conference yesterday, President Biden was asked if the protests have forced him to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region to which he replied, "No." Then he was asked if the National Guard should intervene. Again he said, "No."

Audio was presented from activity at the University of North Carolina where several students were witnessing the protests, but then something happened that made them get involved. They saw the American flag being taken down.

Dalton provided audio of Scottish actor/atheist Brian Cox who attempted to blame religion for the problems of the world.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20b) The last prayer in the Bible

Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
The Real Mary In The Bible Was A Sinner Who Trusted In The Salvation Of The Lord And Was Used In A Mighty Way As A Role Model Of Christian Submission

The biblical Mary is a model of humility and submission to God, she is not sinless, not divine, and does not hear or answer any prayers

The virgin called Mary in the Bible was a lot of things, and we will talk about that, but first let’s discuss what she was not, according to scripture. She was not sinless, she was not ‘assumed into Heaven’ instead of dying, she was not the ‘gatekeeper to Jesus’, she did not remain a virgin, she wasn’t blessed above women, and no one who knew her ever asked her to answer their prayers. In short, she is very much unlike the ‘perpetual virgin’ Mary that is a creation from whole cloth by the Roman Catholic Church.

“And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary:
for thou hast found favour with God.” Luke 1:30 (KJV)

Either you believe the Bible or your don’t, that’s what it comes down to. Mary was a wonderful, godly woman who was used in a tremendous way to show what true, humble submission to the Lord is all about. But Mary was 100% human, just like me and you, she needed a Saviour to pay for her sins, just like me and you, this is what the evidence of scripture shows us. Much myth and legend has grown up around her, and she is worshipped by the Roman Catholic Church who has made her divine. It is my intent with this article to show you Mary’s beautiful humanity, the real Mary who indeed is blessed among women.

Harbingers Daily
Fueling Antisemitism: Hamas’ Demonic Lies Are Being Perpetuated By The Media

By Robert Gottselig: (Toronto, Canada) — Last week, the Jerusalem Post reported that the spokesperson for Hamas’ armed al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, called for an escalation across all fronts.

“In a video aired by Al Jazeera TV, Abu Ubaida praised Iran’s attack on Israel on April 13…” JPost explained. “He also called for an escalation in the West Bank and Jordan calling it ‘one of the most important Arab fronts.'”

The Hamas spokesman further stated: “We call on the Jordanian people to step up their actions and raise their voices. The government of the occupation is stalling in reaching a hostages swap deal and is trying to obstruct efforts by the mediators to reach a ceasefire agreement.”

I can assure you that it’s not Israel that’s stalling or obstructing efforts to reach a ceasefire. There already was a ceasefire on October 6th of last year, and Hamas broke it. Stop with the lies!

Prophecy News Watch
Poll Shocker:
More Than 100 Million Americans Expect Civil War Within 5 Years

By Bob Unruh - WND News Center: A stunning new poll shows that more than 100 million Americans, 41% of the nation's population, believe there could be another civil war in America within the next five years.

The Rasmussen Reports document on that foreboding expectation was released on Thursday.

It said "41% of Likely U.S. voters believe the United States is likely to experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, including 16% who consider such a scenario Very Likely."

Not even half, 49%, said they don't think it's likely.

Rasmussen said, "Such discussions got a boost after the new movie 'Civil War' made its debut as No. 1 at the box office last month. Thirty-seven percent (37%) of voters believe another civil war is more likely to happen if President Joe Biden wins this year’s election, while 25% think another civil war is more likely if former President Donald Trump wins. Thirty percent (30%) say who wins this year’s election will not make much difference in the likelihood of a civil war."

Geller Report
Biden Gives 100K Illegals Obamacare

By Pamela Geller: Obamacare destroyed the greatest healthcare system in the world. Ask yourself, how is your healthcare plan since Obama socialized medicine. Now Obama 2.0 (Biden) is going for the kill.

The Democrats are breaking our backs.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 05.04.24

Jason A
Mysterious Booms Across America

Erick Stakelbeck | The Watchman
Israel Airstrike Near Damascus;
Turkey Bans Trade With Israel

Synopsis: Breaking news out of the Middle East, as Israel has allegedly carried out an airstrike near Damascus, for the first time since the famous attack in early April that killed IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Meanwhile, in a massive geopolitical statement, Turkey halts all trade with Israel, over its war in Gaza against Hamas. Also, with all of this overwhelming international pressure, will Israel reluctantly call off its invasion of Rafah? Watch now!

Jerusalem Dateline
Anti-Israel Protests Well-Funded

Synopsis: Israel poised to enter Rafah, but still no hostage deal. Who’s behind anti-Israel protests on U.S. college campuses? Before Holocaust Remembrance Day, lessons from Treblinka. A prayer call to prevent planned radical takeover of the Western world.

In a time where the world’s attention is riveted on events in the Middle East, CBN viewers have come to appreciate Chris Mitchell’s timely reports from this explosive region of the world. Mitchell brings a Biblical and prophetic perspective to these daily news events that shape our world.

Stew Peters Network
Millstone Report With Paul Harrell:
United Methodists Ok Gay Marriage & Clergy, Millstones Required!

Synopsis: The LGBT mafia took over the United Methodist Church after over 7K churches left the denomination over their perverse and wicked ways.