Harbingers Daily

Indifference Toward Israel
And Bible Prophecy
Wields Dangerous Ramifications
And Bible Prophecy
Wields Dangerous Ramifications
By Jan Markell: I am deeply concerned and grieved that some of our nation’s most prominent Christian leaders just can’t get it right when it comes to issues of Bible prophecy or Israel. Equally troubling is the fact that eschatology has vanished from our pulpits in recent decades because it is “divisive,” “confusing,” and might drive away today’s “seekers.” I cannot figure out why the message that “the King is coming” doesn’t fit into today’s “feel good” theology.
The Bible says in II Thessalonians that there will be a great “falling away” from sound doctrine in the last days. Perhaps that explains the surge of the trendy theology called “Preterism” which teaches that all or most of prophecy is history. It took place in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem. The Tribulation was the persecution of the saints. Nero was the antichrist most likely, though he died in 68 AD by suicide.
There are Full and Partial Preterists. A Partial Preterist would consider a Full Preterist heretical, for a Full Preterist teaches that Jesus even returned in 70 AD, although only “in spirit.” But all Preterists believe there is no future antichrist, Tribulation, Millennium, or role for national Israel present or future. They do believe in the Second Coming of Christ and the resurrection of believers, but not in a Rapture.
The theology came along in the 1600s but wasn’t made trendy until 20th Century teachers like Ken Gentry, R.C. Sproul, Gary DeMar, and “The Bible Answerman” Hank Hanegraaff started heralding it. Hanegraaff clearly never met a Dispensationalist he didn’t address in a demeaning manner. He used his powerful international radio microphone to denounce the late Tim Lahaye, Hal Lindsey, and many more, on a weekly basis.
The Bible says in II Thessalonians that there will be a great “falling away” from sound doctrine in the last days. Perhaps that explains the surge of the trendy theology called “Preterism” which teaches that all or most of prophecy is history. It took place in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem. The Tribulation was the persecution of the saints. Nero was the antichrist most likely, though he died in 68 AD by suicide.
There are Full and Partial Preterists. A Partial Preterist would consider a Full Preterist heretical, for a Full Preterist teaches that Jesus even returned in 70 AD, although only “in spirit.” But all Preterists believe there is no future antichrist, Tribulation, Millennium, or role for national Israel present or future. They do believe in the Second Coming of Christ and the resurrection of believers, but not in a Rapture.
The theology came along in the 1600s but wasn’t made trendy until 20th Century teachers like Ken Gentry, R.C. Sproul, Gary DeMar, and “The Bible Answerman” Hank Hanegraaff started heralding it. Hanegraaff clearly never met a Dispensationalist he didn’t address in a demeaning manner. He used his powerful international radio microphone to denounce the late Tim Lahaye, Hal Lindsey, and many more, on a weekly basis.
Prophecy News Watch

Methodists Lose 1 Million Members In A Day After Embracing LGBT Ideology
By Sarah Holliday/Washington Stand: Many Christians lamented the United Methodist Church's (UMC) decision to embrace LGBT ideology at their 2024 UMC General Conference last month. In effect, the church went from declaring homosexuality as "incompatible with Christian teaching," a belief held since the 1970s, to claiming it is suddenly compatible.
But as experts have pointed out, the UMC had been debating the topic for several years. And while the decision was reportedly disheartening, it would seem the backlash it has garnered has inspired orthodox Christians.
As UMC leaned toward the inclusion of LGBT ideology, the beginning of 2023 saw roughly 4,000 congregations leave the church. But far more notable was the May 28 vote from the United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast to also depart from the UMC denomination.
But as experts have pointed out, the UMC had been debating the topic for several years. And while the decision was reportedly disheartening, it would seem the backlash it has garnered has inspired orthodox Christians.
As UMC leaned toward the inclusion of LGBT ideology, the beginning of 2023 saw roughly 4,000 congregations leave the church. But far more notable was the May 28 vote from the United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast to also depart from the UMC denomination.

Biden Attorney Who Put Pro-Life Grandma in Prison Drops Murder Charge Against Criminal Who Killed Elderly Woman
By Steve Ertelt: How broken is our justice system?
The Biden DOJ official who put a pro-life grandma in prison for praying and singing has dropped a murder charge against a criminal who killed an elderly woman.
As LifeNews reported, Joe Biden is putting an elderly woman in prison for 25 months.
Paulette Harlow is one of a dozen pro-life Americans the Biden administration has targeted with prosecution for protesting abortions while it ignores hundreds of pro-abortion crimes committed across America. Harlow, who is 73, was sentenced to two years and one month for her role in a peaceful pro-life protest inside an abortion center.
US Attorney Matthew Graves prosecuted the case and said, “’Our Constitution and laws protect many rights – to protest, to debate, to advocate for different laws. But no one is entitled to deprive other people of their civil rights. That’s a crime.”
But a new report indicates Graves punted on holding a criminal accountable for killing an elderly woman...
The Biden DOJ official who put a pro-life grandma in prison for praying and singing has dropped a murder charge against a criminal who killed an elderly woman.
As LifeNews reported, Joe Biden is putting an elderly woman in prison for 25 months.
Paulette Harlow is one of a dozen pro-life Americans the Biden administration has targeted with prosecution for protesting abortions while it ignores hundreds of pro-abortion crimes committed across America. Harlow, who is 73, was sentenced to two years and one month for her role in a peaceful pro-life protest inside an abortion center.
US Attorney Matthew Graves prosecuted the case and said, “’Our Constitution and laws protect many rights – to protest, to debate, to advocate for different laws. But no one is entitled to deprive other people of their civil rights. That’s a crime.”
But a new report indicates Graves punted on holding a criminal accountable for killing an elderly woman...
Geller Report

The Cancer Society Apologized for Calling a Cervix a Cervix Instead of ‘Front Hole” For LGBTQ+ Community
By Pamela Geller: As a woman, I am deeply insulted and offended by the term “front hole.” It’s disgusting. These people are evil and nuts.
All News Pipeline

As The Globalists Unveil The Bird Flu Bioweapon Upon Us, We’re Entrenched In A Battle Between Good And Evil: Dr. Anthony Fauci Doesn’t Represent ‘Science,’
He Represents Dr. Josef Mengele
He Represents Dr. Josef Mengele
By Stefan Stanford: According to this new story over at MSM (republished from the Washington Post,) a Mexican man has become the first human being to have died after having come in contact with a bird flu subtype that had never been heard of before, and although he suffered from 'underlying health conditions,' this man had no known exposure to poultry or other animals before being formally diagnosed by a laboratory with the H5N2 subtype of avian flu.
With that MSN story reporting this was the first time an avian H5 virus was confirmed in a person in Mexico, but due to the constantly evolving nature of influenza viruses, the WHO continues to stress the importance of global surveillance the WHO said in a statement, that story also reports that "this case does not change the current WHO recommendations on public health measures and surveillance of influenza,” adding 'the current risks to the general population is low.'
With that MSN story reporting this was the first time an avian H5 virus was confirmed in a person in Mexico, but due to the constantly evolving nature of influenza viruses, the WHO continues to stress the importance of global surveillance the WHO said in a statement, that story also reports that "this case does not change the current WHO recommendations on public health measures and surveillance of influenza,” adding 'the current risks to the general population is low.'
Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 06.11.24
Israeli Hostages Rescued, But…
Host Derek Gilbert: The weekend rescue of four Israeli hostages who’d been held by Hamas terrorists for eight months was met by a big “but” from corporate media and foreign governments, who are increasingly prone to make excuses for Hamas hiding behind civilians in Gaza.
The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
Some AI Scientists Fear A 99.9% Chance AI Will Wipe Out Humanity
Wretched Watchmen
Increasing Paranormal Activity
Increasing Paranormal Activity
The Watchtower Clip Synopsis (Not Affiliated With JW): JB Hixson joins me to talk about the Luciferian cabal and how the supernatural and paranormal will be increasing the closer we get to the end which includes paganism, demonic activity, spiritual warfare, mind control technology, and the influx of alien propaganda...
This clip taken from the Episode 205: The Watchtower 06/04/24
This clip taken from the Episode 205: The Watchtower 06/04/24
The David Knight Show
Questions You Must Ask About Testing “Bird Flu”
Synopsis: If we don't actively resist these lies, they'll cull our food, poison what remains, and lock us down.
• Why focus only on chickens, cows, and humans.
• Why don't we test ALL creatures, including Ze Bugs?
• How is the "test" defined?
• How is a "case" defined?
• Why focus only on chickens, cows, and humans.
• Why don't we test ALL creatures, including Ze Bugs?
• How is the "test" defined?
• How is a "case" defined?