Saturday, June 15, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! June 15, 2024

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Crosstalk America Christian Radio

News Roundup & Comment

Synopsis: Below are some of the highlights from Jim’s look at news events from our nation and around the world. Stories included:

Jim highlighted a column by Riley Gaines and put out by Fox News that deals with the Progress Pride flag. This flag is, “…aimed at supporting individuals who feel marginalized despite living in the most diverse and inclusive society in the history of the world.” She communicated the contrast between this flag and our American flag and what the latter stands for.

There’s a memo circulating internally at 24 Hour Fitness reportedly labeling symbols associated with Black Lives Matter and LGBT pride as freedom of expression while banning patriotic imagery.

3 teenage boys in Spokane, Washington, could face up to 5 years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines for putting skid marks on a rainbow colored street mural with their scooters.

The board of supervisors for the city of San Francisco declared the city a sanctuary city for transgender, gender non-conforming, non-binary and two-spirit people.

A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday stopped the Biden administration’s new Title IX protections.

House Republicans are eyeing this year’s must-pass defense policy bill as a vehicle to combat left-wing Biden administration policies on diversity, LGBTQ representation and gender ideology.

This June is under a travel advisory for worldwide caution for unspecified, potential violence against homosexuals and gender confused Americans according to the U.S. State Department.

The executive director of a Columbus, Georgia, pride organization was arrested Wednesday after police discovered a trove of drugs and paraphernalia and a .38 revolver at his home.

Israel’s battle seems to be shifting the focus to Hezbollah in the north as fighting continues in the Gaza Strip. As the battle heats up, Iran’s new acting foreign minister warned Israel not to launch a war.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reassured Americans that if Hamas does not agree to a proposed temporary cease-fire with Israel soon, that the U.S. will consider alternative options to bringing American hostages home.

Dr. Itai Pessach, who’s in charge of medical treatment for the 4 Israeli hostages rescued last Saturday, told CNN that the hostages were beaten while in Hamas captivity in Gaza.

A Hamas Jew hating terrorist mob held a protest outside the location of the Nova Exhibit in New York City commemorating the 364 people who lost their lives during the music festival. It features their personal items including their shoes, burned cars and photos.

An anti-Semitic mob took over a New York City subway asking if there were any Zionists on board. Jim provided audio of the incident.

U.S. naval vessels closely watched a Russian naval fleet that came within 30 miles of the coast of Florida while traveling on its way to Cuba.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20b) The last prayer in the Bible

Now The End Begins
Prophecy News Podcast – Aired 06.14.24
 With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
The Global Financial System Has Begun Cataclysmic Realignment In Major Step Forward Towards The Mark Of The Beast

Christian, the end times are no longer knocking on the door, they have kicked it in and are swarming from all directions as Mohammed bin Salman strikes Petro Dollar deal.

The old world order is receding rapidly as preparations are underway to receive the coming Antichrist, and there is perhaps no place more incendiary right now than what happened yesterday. We told you how Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman chose to not renew their Petro Dollar contract with the United States, something that gave America supreme financial dominance around the world over the past half century. Now the US will have to compete with the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, but that’s not the worst of it. CBDC with its human-implantable microchip implications is coming like a freight train.

“But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.” Joshua 6:19 (KJV)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, look anywhere around you on the global landscape, and it’s nothing but crazy town from every angle. In just the past 24 hours, we’ve learned that the Earth’s inner core has reversed its direction, NATO says a minimum of 300,000 troops are on high readiness, Pope Francis will address the G7 as king of Vatican City, and Bird Flu continues it headlong rush forward to become Disease X. Also at the G7 yesterday, the US signed a Bilateral Security Agreement with Ukraine and will help them fight Russia with boots on the ground. If all that is not enough, how about the IDF, who possesses some of the most-advanced military technology on the planet, fighting Hezbollah with a trebuchet straight out of 2 Chronicles 26:15? Only instead of flinging stones and arrows, they are hurling fireballs! Christian, the end times are no longer knocking on the door, they have kicked it in and are swarming from all directions. Flight 777 now boarding!

Harbingers Daily
‘Evangelical’ Seminaries —
The Latest Example Of The Church’s Willingness To Accommodate Sin

By David Bowen: This week, a headline caught my eye: “California evangelical seminary ponders changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students.” The seminary is Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. What caught my attention is that just five years ago, Fuller was sued for expelling a student who was in a same-sex marriage, so it made me wonder why they were now looking at accepting same-sex relationships.

Expelled From Seminary

The lawsuit came from an online student from Fort Worth, Texas, who began taking online classes through a Texas satellite campus in 2015. She says she was single when she started taking those classes but later married her female partner. A school administrator found out about her change in marital status through her 2016 tax return, which was included in her financial aid documentation. When the administration questioned her, she said that in 2018 she wrote a letter to the School of Theology dean. The response she received was the citing of the school’s policy on marriage, which Fuller stated biblical marriage is a “covenant union between one man and one woman.” Then, the school expelled her from the seminary.

Church Acceptance

That was November of 2019, and now in May of 2024, we see the headline that states Fuller Seminary is pondering changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students. One has to wonder what happened between 2019 and 2024? Maybe the answer comes from an April 2nd Harbinger’s Daily article that said 41% of churchgoers find no biblical problem with homosexual marriages. The article confirms that almost all of those who claim to hold to a biblical standard for marriage have now changed to holding a position of acceptance.

Prophecy News Watch
School Uses $10,000 Grant To Hand Out ‘Chest Binders’ For Pride Day

By Daily Caller: A New Mexico high school used $10,000 in grant funds to purchase "chest binders" and pro-LGBTQ books for its library, emails show.

Centennial High School received the grant from a pro-LGBT nonprofit, It Gets Better, to construct a "gender-inclusive closet" that would provide "supplies and clothes for trans and gender non-conforming students," according to an announcement.

Yet the school appears to have used the money for a different purpose, instead spending $8,370 on "chest binders" to hand out at a "Pride Day event," communications between Las Cruces Public Schools' (LCPS) legal support department and the New Mexico Freedoms Alliance, a civil liberty watchdog, reveal.

Geller Report
Demented Biden Wanders Away
From G7 Group

By Pamela Geller: Never, in human history, has so great a nation fallen so far, so fast.

The legacy of the Democrats.

Frontpage Mag
Denouncing Israel
For Rescuing its Hostages

Only one nation in the world is expected to “negotiate” for the lives of its citizens

By Daniel Greenfield: On June 8th, Israeli forces conducted a daring rescue of four hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. The terrorists hid their captives inside two homes smack in the middle of a civilian neighborhood inhabited by Palestinian families.

Firefights ensued as Hamas fighters shot at the rescuers and the rescued hostages. A leader of the rescue mission lost his life trying to save the innocent Israeli civilians. Scores of Gazans caught in the crossfire were killed but it is unknown how many were civilian bystanders as opposed to the terrorists trying to stop the rescue. The Hamas-run Gazan Health Ministry’s claim that at least 274 Palestinians died during the rescue operation exaggerates, as usual, the Palestinian death toll to score propaganda points meant to sway the international community and liberal media further against Israel.

From the United Nations to anti-Israel media outlets, Israel is blamed for the loss of Palestinian civilian lives during the rescue operation. Israel’s critics claim that the deaths could have been avoided if the Jewish state had only stuck to negotiating with Hamas and made more concessions to secure the release of the hostages.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 06.15.24

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
Revised WHO Treaty
Spells Danger For Most Americans

U.S. Arming Neo-Nazis In Ukraine
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories

Host Derek Gilbert: The State Department this week authorized transfer of US weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, a group that has openly proclaimed Neo-Nazi beliefs and displays World War 2-era Nazi symbols.

Jerusalem Dateline
Striking Hard At Hezbollah

Synopsis: Israel strikes Hezbollah in Lebanon. New survey shows Palestinian support for Hamas. Analysis from Itamar Marcus (Palestinian Media Watch) and Tricia Miller (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis). Nick Vujicic visits soldiers.

In a time where the world’s attention is riveted on events in the Middle East, CBN viewers have come to appreciate Chris Mitchell’s timely reports from this explosive region of the world. Mitchell brings a Biblical and prophetic perspective to these daily news events that shape our world.

Jason A
Chilling Illuminati Prediction
Coming True In 2024