Monday, June 24, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! June 24, 2024

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Harbingers Daily
The Number-One Prophetic Signal Bible Students Everywhere Should Be Watching

By Terry James: Most Christians who have seriously studied Bible prophecy for years have given Israel as the number-one signal to watch for.

This has been especially true since the Jewish people—hated, hunted, and murdered throughout millennia, and finally killed by the millions in the Nazi Holocaust—came back into the Promised Land following World War II in 1948.

Many among the Reformed denominations joined the Catholic Church in writing off the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as having any further rights to the promises God made. Obviously, in this collective view, God had given up on them. Their rejection and crucifixion of His Son had, in the minds of these religionists, negated any rights Israel had as a nation.

When the Jews miraculously became a nation again in the area surrounding Jerusalem, the chosen people suddenly took on tremendous prophetic importance in the eyes of those who looked diligently into the study of end-times things.

Prophecy News Watch
The Palestinian Plan For ‘The Day After’ In Gaza: To Kill More Jews And Destroy

By Bassam Tawil/Gatestone Institute: The Biden administration says it will soon reveal its plans for the Gaza Strip's future in the aftermath of the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, in which the terrorist organization murdered 1,200 Israeli, wounded thousands more and kidnapping more than 240 Israelis, including babies, women and the elderly. Half of the Israeli hostages, only 50 of whom may still be alive, are still being held in the Gaza Strip by Hamas terrorists and "ordinary" Palestinians.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on June 12:

"In the coming weeks, we will put forward proposals for the key elements of a 'day after plan' including concrete ideas for how to manage governance, security, reconstruction. That plan is key to turning a ceasefire into an enduring end to the conflict, but also turning an end to the war to a just and durable peace and using that peace as a foundation for building more integrated, more stable and prosperous region,"

The Palestinians, meanwhile, appear to have their own ideas about what should happen the day after the war in Gaza: they want to murder even more Jews and carry on the Jihad (holy war) to destroy Israel. Rebuilding the Gaza Strip is not a top priority for many Palestinians. Their primary focus lies in providing support to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations that aim to destroy the sole homeland of the Jewish people.

Geller Report
Biden’s War On The Jews

By Pamela Geller: Any Jew who votes for jihad Joe is the moral equivalent of those pitiable German Jews who invited uniformed Nazis to their charity dinners to garner favor with their executioners and even worse still, the Judenrat

Frontpage Mag
Why Hamas Supporters Are
Libeling Israeli Dogs

What Hamas Lies About Is What It’s Afraid Of

By Daniel Greenfield: Leftist pro-terrorist propaganda is usually tethered to at least some kind of reality. When Hamas terrorists are killed, they describe them as civilians. A raid to free Israeli hostages is reinterpreted as a massacre.

The tactical purpose of this propaganda is to turn Israeli strengths into weaknesses by using fake atrocity claims to limit freedom of action.

So how do we explain this bout of lunacy about dogs raping Hamas terrorists?

The Economic Collapse
Extreme Global Hunger: The UN Warns That Some Of The Poorest Areas Of The World Have “Zero Harvests” Left

By Michael Snyder: In 2015, UN officials established a goal of completely eliminating global hunger by the year 2030. Needless to say, they have failed dramatically. According to the UN, someone is dying from starvation “every few seconds” as the global food crisis continues to accelerate. Unfortunately, experts agree that what we are experiencing right now is just the beginning, because land is being degraded at a staggering pace. As you will see below, 40 percent of the world’s land is already degraded, and it is expected that figure will reach 95 percent by 2050. Here in the western world, we can still use various methods to temporarily improve the quality of our soil, but the head of the UN World Food Program says that in some of the poorest parts of the planet we have already reached a point where there are “zero harvests” left…

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 06.24.24

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
Obama’s DHS & FEMA Practiced Extractions To FEMA Camps
For Such A Time As This

Wretched Watchmen
The Buffalo Bills To Sponsor
Alphabet Football League

Synopsis: Give them bread and circuses and they will not revolt - Juvenal... The Buffalo Bills have joined up with the National Gay Flag Football League or NGFFL to help sponsor a team in the Buffalo area... Another step for the wokeness of the NFL...

Daily Veracity With Vincent James
Red States Begin To Ban Adult Sites As SCOTUS Calls For America To ‘Return To God’

Jason A
Joe Biden Is Mocked