Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! July 3, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
As Riots Set Paris On Fire Yet Again, The French Far Right Battles The Far Left As President Emmanuel Macron Regroups To Plot His Next Move

The streets of Paris became a war zone overnight Sunday as tens of thousands of left-wing rioters took to the streets in fiery opposition to the historic election victory by the country’s right-wing National Rally

Since 2020, NTEB has been telling you, warning you, that WWIII will rise up once again from Europe, and that there will be a resurgence in the fascists factions just like what happened in the late 1920’s in Germany and other places. Up until Russia invaded Ukraine, those things were kept in abeyance, but since that war began, it has been nothing but a mad rush to fascism and Far Right and Far Left extremism. So what about our ‘friend’ Emmanuel Macron who seems to be stuck in the middle? That’s the proverbial $64,000 question now isn’t it?

“And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him.” Matthew 26:50 (KJV)

Since he came on the scene in 2017, Emmanuel Macron has been a veritable end times wonder, at least he has to us, and at every previous bump in the road where his imminent demise was forecast, he snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. I am not a betting man, but if I were, I would take my pile of francs, place it all on lucky number 13, and let it ride. That’s how sure I feel that Macron will come out of this even more powerful than he is right now. His term does not end for another 3 years, his best days are ahead of him. He’s not going anywhere.

Harbingers Daily
We Are In Trouble As A Nation, And The Answer Is To Turn To God Our Father

By Hal Lindsey: If you watched the US Presidential debate on June 27th, you don’t need me to tell you what you saw. If you are a Democrat, the debate probably left you at least somewhat troubled. If you are a Republican, you probably feel that your guy won. Still, I don’t see Republicans dancing in the street. (Come to think of it, I’ve never seen Republicans dancing in the street.) You might expect exuberance from Republicans at so large a perceived victory. Instead, I see Americans of all political persuasions held in the grip of a deep sense of unease.

We have good reason for concern. As a nation, we are not embracing the self-discipline needed to maintain liberty. We are not repentant over our national sins. The nation tends to put its hope in men and technology — not in God.

We can better understand the disquiet by looking at another US national holiday. When George Washington proclaimed the first Thanksgiving Day in United States history, he said, “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”

This was not a mere tip of the hat to the Almighty. This was a call for obedience to, and real communication with, our Heavenly Father. He added that we should “beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions.” Repentance.

Prophecy News Watch
Hezbollah And Iran Plot Mediterranean War Strategy Against Israel

By Yoni Ben Menachem/ Hezbollah, under the leadership of Hassan Nasrallah, is coordinating with Iran to open a new front against Israel in the Mediterranean. The objective is to neutralize the capabilities of the Israeli Air Force, which Hezbollah perceives as its greatest threat.

Nasrallah's strategy includes targeting Cyprus, which he suspects could serve as an alternative operational base for the IAF in the event of a war with Lebanon.

Nasrallah's recent warning to Cyprus aimed to discourage its cooperation with Israel, as part of a broader Hezbollah-Iranian campaign to raise international awareness about the potential consequences of an all-out war with Israel.

The Economic Collapse
Global Health Authorities Press The Panic Button As A Strain Of Monkeypox That Is “10 Times Deadlier”
Starts Spreading Rapidly

By Michael Snyder: A deadly new strain of monkeypox that is “killing children and causing miscarriages” is causing a tremendous amount of fear among global health authorities. We are being told that this strain is “10 times deadlier” than the one that infected people in more than 100 different countries in 2022, and apparently it spreads much more easily. The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm about what might happen if there is a full-blown global outbreak of this new strain, and some experts are concerned that it may already be too late to prevent that from happening.

Right now, the news is filled with lots of ominous stories about this new strain of monkeypox. The dramatic surge of cases that we are currently witnessing in the Democratic Republic of Congo has officials at the WHO extremely concerned…

Geller Report
Jihad Terrorist Handbook To Be Taught At Brooklyn Community Center

By Pamela Geller: The indoctrination, inculcation and abuse of children to hate and kill that we see in Islamic countries is here.

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 07.03.24

Jill Biden Pushing President to Stay in Race
–Plus Four Other Must Know Stories

Host Derek Gilbert: Insiders say President Biden is being urged by First Lady Jill Biden to stay in the race—even though leading Democrats admit privately he’s unlikely to win in November.

5) Barack Obama reportedly working behind scenes to replace Joe Biden with another candidate for president;

4) Trump gets good news from Supreme Court;

3) SCOTUS rules against administrative state, whiffs on free speech ruling;

2) Arab League apparently no longer considers Hezbollah a terrorist group;

1) Developers of EV charging stations forced to install gas and diesel generators to get the power they need.

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
Undisclosed Crimes Against Humanity At The Southern Border- The Intel Report

Wretched Watchmen
Carbon Credits: Carbon Tax, UBI & Digital Benefits

Synopsis: The latest report leads us to believe that carbon taxes will be more than enough to finance a Universal Basic Income (UBI) but conveniently leaves out the system of carbon credits... New work between the US Department of Commerce, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) & the Jesuit school Georgetown University, has been to establish a system of those who receive public benefits will be required to have a digital ID...

This clip taken from the Episode 210: The Watchtower 06/22/24

Millstone Report With Paul Harrell
San Francisco Pride
Public Sex Acts While Kids Present

Synopsis: The wicked events at the San Francisco pride parade are reminding American why homosexuality used to be illegal.