Thursday, July 4, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! July 4, 2024

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Now The End Begins
By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
As Joe Biden Prepares For His ‘Dignified Exit’ Will Kamala Harris And Michelle Obama Be The Ones The Democrats Put Their Faith In To Win It?

As pretend Joe Biden bows out, will Kamala Harris and perhaps Michelle Obama be the ones Democrats choose to replace him in 2024?

4 years ago, we wrote an article speculating that Joe Biden would be unable to finish his first term, and that he would be replaced by Michelle Obama. Here in the middle of 2024, Joe Biden is doing exactly that, and as you read these, he is being replaced as candidate, and possibly, removed from office via the 25th Amendment. We are in the ‘rabbit hole’ right now, the only question is how deep does it go? We will defer to the prophet Habakkuk on that one.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously:
for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe,
though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJV)

For the past three and a half years, Barack Obama and his minions have been the ones actually pulling the strings in the Biden administration, and from his perspective, it’s been a wonderfully productive third term. But Obama and his handlers are not ready to vacate power, and are planning to do everything, and anything, to be able to keep it. If I were Donald Trump, I would invest in a really nice Kevlar sport coat. Immediately would be about right. Kamala in the spotlight on the moment, but keep your eye on Michelle Obama, that’s who the Democrats will run if they really want to win.

Harbingers Daily
The Reprobate Delusion Of The ‘Palestine’ Supporter

By Robert Gottselig: Last week, I discussed how those who hate the Jewish State consistently accuse Israel of actions they themselves commit or desire to commit. These anti-Israel claims line up precisely with what we read in Isaiah 5:20 when God says, “Woe unto those that call evil good and good evil.”

I’m amazed at how the world stands alongside Hamas instead of Israel. As I have said before, if the world can’t see the stark difference, they must have been handed over to a reprobate mind that is incapable of thinking clearly.

Such was the case last week when Palestine Solidarity in Regina organized a lecture at the city’s downtown public library film theater. As I previously reported, the event was canceled after Israel-loving individuals, myself included, voiced our concerns. Unfortunately, the Israel-bashing night was back on the schedule shortly after.

As I attended the event, the theater was packed, with only room for those standing. From the applause of the people there for Jeet Heer, the keynote speaker, it was evident that they were not there to support Israel.

Prophecy News Watch
Presbyterian Church's Attack On Christian Zionism: The Last Straw?

By The Presbyterian Church (USA) voted on Monday at its biennial meeting, which is ongoing in Salt Lake City, Utah, to divest from financial bonds in Israel and to denounce Christian Zionism, Religion News Service reported.

The denomination, which had 8,704 churches and 1.14 million members as of May 2023, voted to "reject Christian Zionism in all its forms" and to issue a report about the "dangers of Christian Zionism" and how "mainline Christians and those of other faiths are complicit, though unaware of connections with Christian Zionism."

"Presbyterian Church (USA) has long singled out Israel for animus, fixation, double standards and demonization. Now PCUSA has voted to divest from Israel bonds and to slam 'Christian Zionism,'" B'nai B'rith International stated.

"The denomination tragically fails to speak for all its members, for fairness and for truth," B'nai B'rith added.

Leo’s Newsletter
Another Nation Adopts Mandatory
Biometric Digital ID System

Digitalized IDs based on personal biometric data are
advancing rapidly across the world. We would be naive
to think it will remain voluntary. Some nations are
already making participation mandatory.

By Leo Hohmann: Vietnam is the latest country to start implementing a mandatory biometric digital ID system.

The Vietnamese Law on Identity went into effect July 1 and will establish a detailed digital citizen identification system that will touch every citizen.

The iris biometric details of citizens will be collected along with fingerprints and facial images when citizens apply for an ID card, according to an article by, a website that tracks the global movement toward digitization of all things, including human beings.

Vietnam’s Identity Law introduces several key changes, including the mandatory collection of biometric information for citizens applying for ID cards. A clause in the law mandates that assigned state agencies will collect identification data, including facial images, fingerprints, and irises, from applicants. The government says the move is designed to bolster security and accuracy of identity verification processes.

According to Biometric Update...

Geller Report
Desperate Macron’s Endorsement Of
Islamic Terror Groups “Antisemitic,’
‘Pro-Hamas’ Far Left Shocks French Jews

By Pamela Geller: Embracing the evil ideology that has destroyed France.

”For Macron, it’s about doing everything to stay in power,” Yael-July Nahon, a French-Jewish author, wrote on X Monday. “French Jews are being sacrificed first. Who will be next?”

Heydon Music News
Latest Videos & Breaking News 07.04.24

Liberals Lose Their Minds After SCOTUS Ruling

Host Derek Gilbert: Liberals displayed a shocking lack of self-restraint, some calling for violence, after a Supreme Court ruling Monday that apparently gave Donald Trump a win in his legal challenges.

5) DNC may formally nominate Joe Biden before convention to prevent rebellion in the party;

4) SCOTUS ruling drives liberals over the edge;

3) Date may be set for Israel’s invasion of Lebanon;

2) U.S. military dependent on China for critical spare parts and semiconductors;

1) After pale appearance at last week’s debate, Joe Biden appears on TV Monday night with orangey spray tan.

The Common Sense Show - Dave Hodges
The Real Purpose Of Chemtrails!
Expert Testimony!

The Stew Peters Network
Gays Unhinged! Cops Allow
Public Sex Acts While Children Watch,
Big Mike To Replace Biden?

Synopsis: Jay Dyer is here to talk about how demonic forces are at work to destroy the United States of America and how Joe Biden will likely step down soon.

Alex Rosen is here to talk about how X banned his account after leftists on Reddit mass reported his video exposing Maryland Democrat Michael Knaapen trying to have sex with a 14 year old boy.

Kaylee Campbell Layton is here to talk about how the LGBT has ruined society and how parents should be arrested for taking their children to gay pride parades.

Behold Israel
Amir Tsarfati:
Israel is the Compass of Bible Prophecy

Synopsis: Our world is currently in a state of chaos. There is talk of WWIII on the lips of many. There are rumors of other wars swirling. There is talk of a new COVID variant, fuel prices are soaring, supplies are dwindling – the negatives go on and on. But we, as Christians, need not fear. The One who knows the end from the beginning has made us a promise:

Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”