Monday, July 8, 2024

Sermon Series: The Book of Daniel

 Bible Exposition & Systematic Theology
(BEST) Courses For Bible Student
Dr. Andrew Woods

Daniel 001 | Intro To Daniel

Synopsis: “This series is a verse by verse Bible exposition of the Book of Daniel. Dr. Andy Woods is a traditional Dispensational Bible teacher. He has a law degree from Whittier College and a PhD in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary. He was a Full-Professor of Bible and Theology at the College Biblical Studies in Houston, TX (2009-2016). He is currently the President of Chafer Theological Seminary and Pastor-Teacher of Sugar Land Bible Church. Andy also speaks on a variety of topics at Christian Conferences worldwide. Andy wishes he could answer and read all your comments, but his duties and busy speaking schedule make it difficult to do so. The administrator of this channel is a volunteer at Andy Woods Ministries. We appreciate your understanding that comments have been disabled.”

Connect With Dr. Andy Woods:
Dr. Andy Woods: JD, ThM, PhD, is a traditional Dispensational Bible teacher. He has a law degree from Whittier College and a PhD in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary. He was a Full-Professor of Bible and Theology at the College Biblical Studies in Houston, TX (2009-2016). He is now the President of Chafer Theological Seminary and Pastor-Teacher of Sugar Land Bible Church. Andy has a busy speaking schedule on a variety of topics at Christian conferences worldwide.

» Andy Woods Ministries | Official Website
» Andy Woods Ministries | Official Video Channel

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
