By Geoffrey Grider, NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
The World Health Organization just added Black Death plague, bird flu and monkey pox to the Disease X list, as the SPARS Pandemic report comes out.
Back on Day 1 of what is now our exclusive 1,612 Days Of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve countdown, we brought you the sickening true story of something called Event 201 created by Bill Gates and hosted at the Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security. Event 201 is an all-too-true dystopian tale of end times bioengineering and gain-of-function viruses intentionally released on an unsuspecting global population. We call that COVID and the Pandemic. Remember when we told you they were going to do it again? Welcome to The SPARS Pandemic Report for 2025, and as usual, you’re hearing it here first.
The SPARS Pandemic Report is ‘pandemic readiness exercise’ that once again imagines the release of a global pathogen that kills hundreds of millions of people, the ‘conspiracy theory’ that swirls in the midst of it, and how the only safety and salvation for the people will be, once again, a magical ‘vaccine’ given to you by the government. Now where have we heard that before? Oh, that’s right. In collaboration with the SPARS Pandemic Report, the World Health Organization mere hours ago just added Black Death, bird flu and monkey pox to the ‘pandemic watchlist’.
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that
which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no
new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no
new thing under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV)
The SPARS Pandemic Report is ‘pandemic readiness exercise’ that once again imagines the release of a global pathogen that kills hundreds of millions of people, the ‘conspiracy theory’ that swirls in the midst of it, and how the only safety and salvation for the people will be, once again, a magical ‘vaccine’ given to you by the government. Now where have we heard that before? Oh, that’s right. In collaboration with the SPARS Pandemic Report, the World Health Organization mere hours ago just added Black Death, bird flu and monkey pox to the ‘pandemic watchlist’.
By Terry James: Nothing brings clearer definition to the stage being set for Bible prophecy than the issues and events swirling around God’s chosen nation.
At the moment, Israel is exacting a heavy price for atrocities perpetrated by Iran’s proxy terrorist organizations. The most recent is the assassination of murderous terrorist leaders in Beirut and Teheran. Especially troubling is Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh being blown up with a detonation in his room.
The attack was at first thought to be a drone strike by Israel; now it’s been found to be an explosive device inside Haniyeh’s bedroom. The occurrence was said to be an “inside job.” Regardless, Israel is seen as being responsible for the assassination, and no doubt that is a correct assumption.
At the moment, Israel is exacting a heavy price for atrocities perpetrated by Iran’s proxy terrorist organizations. The most recent is the assassination of murderous terrorist leaders in Beirut and Teheran. Especially troubling is Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh being blown up with a detonation in his room.
The attack was at first thought to be a drone strike by Israel; now it’s been found to be an explosive device inside Haniyeh’s bedroom. The occurrence was said to be an “inside job.” Regardless, Israel is seen as being responsible for the assassination, and no doubt that is a correct assumption.
By Lawrence Franklin/ It might be news to the United States and Israel that despite the Satanic appellations assigned to them by Iran's regime--"Big and Little Satan" respectively--neither figure is the Islamic Republic's final objective, which defines Shi'ite Islam. Iran's theocratic worldview is shaped by the Shi'ite belief that Muhammad's will was betrayed by the Sunni Caliphs who immediately succeeded the prophet. The true believers in the Shi'ite hierarchy assert that the Sunni hijacking of Islam will end with the return of the Imam Zaman (the Twelfth Imam), ushering in the end times.
For certain, the Islamic Republic employs the "Zionist Entity" as a foil to obscure its apostate image among Sunnis. Iran's militancy also diminishes Saudi Arabia's traditional primacy as guardian of Sunni Islam's global interests. Iranian efforts to recruit both Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims to join the anti-Zionist "resistance" have succeeded in capturing the passion of even some Sunni extremist groups, like Hamas.
Although Iran's revolution is a modern occurrence (1979), the essence of its theological ideology is rooted in the first decades of Islamic history. The Sunni-Shi'ite divide is traceable to the refusal by Damascus-based Umayyad dynastic Islamic notables to recognize the claim of Ali, the son-in-law and nephew of Muhammad, as the prophet's legitimate successor as leader of Islam. Though Ali ultimately was named the Fourth Caliph, Sunni leaders disinherited his sons, killing his youngest, Hussain, and many of his followers at the Battle of Karbala, Iraq in 680 CE.
For certain, the Islamic Republic employs the "Zionist Entity" as a foil to obscure its apostate image among Sunnis. Iran's militancy also diminishes Saudi Arabia's traditional primacy as guardian of Sunni Islam's global interests. Iranian efforts to recruit both Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims to join the anti-Zionist "resistance" have succeeded in capturing the passion of even some Sunni extremist groups, like Hamas.
Although Iran's revolution is a modern occurrence (1979), the essence of its theological ideology is rooted in the first decades of Islamic history. The Sunni-Shi'ite divide is traceable to the refusal by Damascus-based Umayyad dynastic Islamic notables to recognize the claim of Ali, the son-in-law and nephew of Muhammad, as the prophet's legitimate successor as leader of Islam. Though Ali ultimately was named the Fourth Caliph, Sunni leaders disinherited his sons, killing his youngest, Hussain, and many of his followers at the Battle of Karbala, Iraq in 680 CE.
By Pamela Geller: This should be a Trump campaign ad.
What a catastrophe.
What a catastrophe.
By Ben Johnson: The Democratic National Convention meets next week to nominate Kamala Harris for president, drawing renewed scrutiny to the party’s platform. Last month, the Democratic Party released a draft of its 2024 platform that vows to nationalize abortion-on-demand across all 50 states, support taxpayer-funded abortion, protect the predatory transgender industry, and continue “fighting” against parents who seek to keep pornography out of their children’s school libraries.
The draft platform, released on July 13, places a high premium on abortion and extreme gender ideology. “The word abortion is mentioned 13 times. [The concept of] reproductive rights is mentioned 14 more times. The term LGBTQI+ is mentioned 35 times. Climate change, or climate in the context of climate change, occurs over 70 times,” said Brent Keilen, vice president for Strategic Initiatives at the Family Research Council, on Tuesday’s episode of “Washington Watch.”
“But I could not find one mention of the word God in the platform draft,” noted Keilen. “I also couldn’t find one mention of the word Christian.”
The draft platform, released on July 13, places a high premium on abortion and extreme gender ideology. “The word abortion is mentioned 13 times. [The concept of] reproductive rights is mentioned 14 more times. The term LGBTQI+ is mentioned 35 times. Climate change, or climate in the context of climate change, occurs over 70 times,” said Brent Keilen, vice president for Strategic Initiatives at the Family Research Council, on Tuesday’s episode of “Washington Watch.”
“But I could not find one mention of the word God in the platform draft,” noted Keilen. “I also couldn’t find one mention of the word Christian.”
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Synopsis: Dear saints, take comfort in the fact that this ever-darkening world indicates that the unknown day and hour when the dead in Christ and those alive in Christ will meet the Lord in the air to forever be with Him, just might be today!