Thursday, September 5, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! September 5, 2024

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 By Geoffrey Grider: Darryl Cooper, the historian deemed by Tucker Carlson to be the “best and most honest” in the U.S., appears to have a strange fondness for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

In the early days of our Prophecy News Podcast, we played a lot of clips from Tucker Carlson because at the time he told the truth, plain and simple. So much so that we did an article where we called Tucker ‘the last truth teller’ in the legacy media. But that was then and this is now, and Tucker has drifted quite far from from telling the truth. He has become the definition of fake news. Nighty-night, Tucker.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (KJV)

Darryl Cooper is not such much an historian as he is a revisionist, and in his interview with Tucker, Cooper goes to great lengths to whitewash the actual history of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. The Holocaust was not created by Germany ‘struggling with the unintended consequences of too many prisoners of war’, it was an intentional and carefully-crafted slaughter of millions of Jews ‘assembly line’ style. Adolf Hitler was a demon-possessed pathological liar who broke every treaty he ever made, and waged war with impunity. Last month, Tucker had ‘whiskey and fornication’ country singer John Rich on his show, and together they enjoyed bashing the Scofield Study Bible and the doctrine of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church. Now they have made Winston Churchill the bad guy in WWII, and Hitler into the poor, misunderstood leader who got swept away in the fog of war. You cannot come to these conclusions without also being antisemitic, that’s the memo.

 By Erick Staklebeck: A major scoop by the Jerusalem Post was published on Monday. It astounds me that this major development really didn’t get any attention from other media outlets.

But before I share that report, let me provide the context.

I have talked extensively about Iran and Hezbollah’s threats to strike Israel over the past month. It hasn’t materialized, at least on the Iranian end. Hezbollah intended to strike Israel late last month, but were headed off at the pass, so to speak, when Israel struck preemptively, embarrassing and weakening the terror group.

The Iranian regime has been breathing threats of an unprecedented devastating response that still hasn’t come. Why?

 By Britt Gillette: A series of recent news stories have highlighted the massive advances made in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically in regard to facial recognition technologies. For example, according to the BBC, the police used live facial recognition technology to scan the crowd at a recent airshow in the UK, leading to the arrests of three people.

Last week, the Transportation Security Administration arrested a woman after facial recognition devices detected her trying to use someone else's identification and boarding pass at Tampa International Airport. Meanwhile, NBC News reports facial recognition technology is being used at Major League Baseball stadiums across the United States, and Reason magazine says the National Football League is next.

Less than two years ago, NBC News detailed the story of Kelly Conlon. Conlin was kicked out of Radio City Music Hall after facial recognition technology alerted security to her presence. She was entering the venue with her daughter and a pack of Girl Scouts to watch the Rockettes. Conlin was an attorney at a law firm suing the parent company of Radio City Music Hall.


 The pious are vanished from the land, None upright are left among men; All lie in wait to commit crimes, One traps the other in his net.
Micah 7:2 (The Israel Bible)

 By JNS: “The theme of UNRWA education is ‘peace starts here.’ How could it possibly be that a U.N. social work agency would be using their education system to prepare kids for war?”

Revelations by Israel’s government about the United Nations Relief and Works Agency have shattered the group’s carefully cultivated image as a humanitarian organization, revealing it to be no less than an arm of Hamas in Gaza. However, little light has been thrown on UNRWA’s identical role in Judea and Samaria.

A new film, “UNRWA at War,” focuses on the educational side of UNRWA’s activities, in which children are taught not just to hate, but to kill. Just as it did in Gaza, UNRWA is inculcating children with the same genocidal creed in Judea and Samaria, only in this case for Fatah, the controlling party in the Palestinian Authority.

The roughly 20-minute film was released by the Jerusalem-based Center for Near East Policy Research on Sept. 1 and is available online.

The center’s director, David Bedein, told JNS that the movie shows what’s happening in Bethlehem. “That’s the next place they [the terrorists] are going to break out,” he said.

When could such an attack take place? “It could be as soon as tomorrow,” he said

 By Pamela Geller: An authentic representation of ‘Palestinian’ Muslims. It accurately reflects the daily horror of Jews trying to co-exist with Islam.

As one hostage said, ‘they are no innocent civilians in Gaza.’

Until now, we have believed that on October 7, 3,000 members of Hamas, accompanied by a few hundred ordinary Gazans eager to join in the murderous fun, smashed into Israel and proceeded to rape, torture, mutilate, and murder 1,200 Israelis and to kidnap 251 more, who were dragged back to Gaza on the back of lorries, in cars, and on motorbikes. Now the IDF has revised that figure upward, suggesting that the total number of Gazans who took part was 6,000, double what was previously believed. Of those, not 3,000, but 3,800 were Hamas members, and not a “few hundred,” but rather, 2,200 Gazans who were not members of Hamas enthusiastically joined in the rapes, tortures, and murders of Israelis that were committed that day. 1,000 others were involved in firing rockets from Gaza into Israel. More on this revision upward can be found here: “Report: New IDF assessment shows some 6,000 Gazans invaded Israel on Oct. 7, (Hugh Fitzgerald)



Host Derek Gilbert: Turkey has applied to join BRICS, according to reports. That could be problematic since it’s a member of NATO, which is in a proxy war with BRICS member Russia.

5) Turkey reportedly applies to join BRICS;

4) Discount retailers Dollar General and Big Lots struggling, a bad sign for economy;

3) New migrant caravan heading north through Mexico;

2) Astronauts at International Space Station report strange noise from Boeing Starliner;

1) Florida State football fan learns hard way not to make stupid bets.



Synopsis: Leo Hohmann joins Tony K. As always there is much to discuss, as each passing month reveals more of the sinister global plot to control and enslave the general population for “our own good.”

Synopsis: Join us for a Special Update, broadcasting from our CONNECT Studios in Galilee, Israel. Amir will deliver crucial updates on the ongoing conflict in Israel and significant global events.