Our Annual Migdal Eder Christmas Service Showing You The Exact Day And Exact Location Of The Birth Of Jesus Christ
With Host Geoffrey Grider | NTEB Founder, Author & Editor-in-Chief
The angel of the Lord is directing the shepherds to the very place where they sacrificed baby lambs to see the baby Jesus wrapped in the lamb’s swaddling clothes and being presented for inspection in the stone manger. This is Migdal Eder.
You are invited to join our NTEB Christmas Eve service where we will open our King James Bibles to see some amazing things about the actual birth of the baby Jesus. Tonight you will see, some of you for the very first time, the actual location where Mary gave birth to Jesus as the Bible records it. Not only that, you will see the exact day on which this took place, the Bible records that as well. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper and remember His great love wherewith He loved us so much He paid for our sins.
When Jesus is called a lamb in scripture, it is not poetic at all, it is literal. Jesus was born at Migdal Eder, wrapped in the very same swaddling clothes used for lambs, and placed in the stone manger to be presented for inspection by the Levitical shepherds. That’s why the angel of the Lord called shepherds, to inspect the baby Jesus according to the Law of Moses. How do I know that Jesus was born at Migdal Eder? Because Micah tells us so. Come celebrate the real Christmas with us at Now The End Begins, and we trust it will be a blessing to you. Our service starts at 7:00 PM EST tonight.
You are invited to join our NTEB Christmas Eve service where we will open our King James Bibles to see some amazing things about the actual birth of the baby Jesus. Tonight you will see, some of you for the very first time, the actual location where Mary gave birth to Jesus as the Bible records it. Not only that, you will see the exact day on which this took place, the Bible records that as well. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper and remember His great love wherewith He loved us so much He paid for our sins.
“And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.” Micah 4:8 KJV
When Jesus is called a lamb in scripture, it is not poetic at all, it is literal. Jesus was born at Migdal Eder, wrapped in the very same swaddling clothes used for lambs, and placed in the stone manger to be presented for inspection by the Levitical shepherds. That’s why the angel of the Lord called shepherds, to inspect the baby Jesus according to the Law of Moses. How do I know that Jesus was born at Migdal Eder? Because Micah tells us so. Come celebrate the real Christmas with us at Now The End Begins, and we trust it will be a blessing to you. Our service starts at 7:00 PM EST tonight.
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“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”