Friday, December 6, 2024

Perilous Times Are Here! December 6, 2024

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Now The End Begins
QUELLE HORREUR!! The French Government Has Just Been Toppled By The Far Right And Far Left, Where Does This Leave Our ‘Man Of Sin’ Emmanuel Macron?

 By Geoffrey Grider: Is this the end for Emmanuel Macron? French president facing calls to RESIGN after gov collapses & he’s left looking for 6th PM

For nearly 8 years, NTEB has been tagging French president Emmanuel Macron for the spot of the biblical ‘man of sin’ for reasons laid out in our article on him being the Assyrian. At multiple junctures during this period, Macron has been brought to the brink of ruin time and time again, only to rise up from the ashes more powerful than he was before. Yesterday in France, the people who populate the rather lengthy list of his enemies conspired together to topple the French government, and down it has come. What happens now?

“O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.” Isaiah 10:5 (KJV)

Not being a prophet and possessing zero psychic ability, I can only guess like all of you can, but I will say this. There is ‘something special’ about Emmanuel Macron, and I think he will figure this very dire situation out in short order. But even if he does not, he will not be at the ‘end of the road’ as I feel he is foreordained to ‘higher office’. Right now, 64% of French citizens want Macron out, but I am betting he is not fazed in the least. Emmanuel Macron is a man of destiny, and he will come up with the answers. He always does. Besides, being president of France is only the first step.

Harbinger Daily
 Why The Majority Of The Nations Refuse To Acknowledge Jerusalem As Israel’s Eternal Capital

 By Robert Gottselig: It’s official. Paraguay has become the sixth country to move its Embassy to Jerusalem. The relocations began with President Trump’s move of the American Embassy to Jerusalem in 2018. The United States was followed by Guatemala, Honduras, Kosovo, and Papua New Guinea. Now, Paraguay, as the newly elected President Santiago Peña promised in 2023, will move its Embassy back to Jerusalem.

“Today, we close an important chapter here at the Embassy in Herzliya, from where we worked tirelessly for the Paraguay-Israel relationship,” the Paraguay Embassy in Israel announced in a video statement. “But, like every story, it is time to move forward toward a stronger future. This is a historic moment that brings our nations even closer together.”

With President Trump returning to the White House next January, we can safely assume that more countries will follow in relocating their Embassies in recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s rightful capital.

But what does God think about Jerusalem, and does He care what the nations think?

Prophecy News Watch
 We Are The Book Of Revelation Generation - Are You Ready?

 By Michael Snyder/Economic Collapse Blog: Many people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding regarding where we are in the grand scheme of things. We are not living at a time of endless peace and prosperity. Instead, we are living at a time of war, famine, pestilence and major natural disasters.

We really are living in the end times, and the coming year is going to be filled with crisis after crisis. All of human history has been building up to this last chapter and it's time to ask if you are ready for what is to come?

According to the Institute for Economics &anp; Peace, the number of military conflicts that are currently active is the highest that we have seen since World War II... Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Syria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia... and so on. There are up to 56 active conflicts in the world, the highest number since World War II. Moreover, these carry an increasingly international component, with 92 countries involved in wars outside their borders.

These are data from the latest Global Peace Index produced annually by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), a think tank that analyzes everything from military investment and the cost of violence to military laws and deaths in combat in 163 states and territories. "Getting the information is a challenge, but it allows us to compare dynamics. And what we see is a deterioration of peace over the last decade, especially in the last five years," says Michael Collins, executive director of IEP.

Yes, we really are living at a time of wars and rumors of wars.

End Of The American Dream
 A Mystery “Flu-Like” Disease With A Very High Death Rate Is Suddenly Spreading Like Wildfire In Africa

 By Michael Snyder: A mysterious disease that produces “flu-like” symptoms and that is killing a very high percentage of those that it infects has suddenly appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and scientists have no idea what it is. So far, this mystery disease does not appear to be related to H5N1, monkeypox, Ebola, the Marburg virus or any of the other deadly bugs that are currently spreading around the globe. Perhaps after more testing is done, scientists will discover that there is a very simple explanation after all. And let us hope that this new outbreak turns out to be fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But in Matthew 24, Jesus did warn us that there would be multiple “pestilences” in the days just before His return. So when a new disease suddenly appears and starts killing lots of people, it is worth keeping an eye on.

The epicenter for this outbreak is right along the Democratic Republic of Congo’s border with Angola, and we are being told that dozens of victims are already dead…

Geller Report
 CNN: Trump Will Order “Firing Squads”

 By Pamela Geller: They should be taken off the air. CNN is a threat to our Republic. They are fearmongering and inciting to civil war. They are reckless, irresponsible. What they are not is a news organization.

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Skywatch TV
 World Moves Closer To War

Host Derek Gilbert: A Chinese container ship is believed to have dragged its anchor for 100 miles across the floor of the Baltic Sea to disrupt communications between the two newest members of NATO, Finland and Sweden.

The Common Sense Show

 His Administration Let An Illegal Migrant Chinese Citizen Send
American Weapons To North Korea

Wretched Watchmen
 System 0: Zombification Through AI

Synopsis: With humans becoming more and more reliant upon AI, the ability to use critical thinking and logic is diminishing... Being called “system 0,” this process of augmenting human thinking to technology is allowing AI to take over all directional processes of life... Coming with it is a technological religion that is allowing machines to become the new gods...

This clip taken from the Episode 255: The Watchtower 12/03/24

Thanks for watching! Catch The Watchtower Podcast live every Tuesday & Saturday at 6pm PST/8pm CST/9pm EST!

Hope For Our Times
 Today In Prophecy 12.05.24