Synopsis: Somehow I mispoke and said tree of life instead of tree of knowledge. Some of you caught it. Thanks for pointing it out.
Some sweet day we will be removed from this lie-filled world and taken to glory. Then we will be taught the ways and truth of God in perfection. Every lie, great or small, that tarnished our testimony will be removed. We will all be on the same page. Then we will come down with the Lord Jesus at Armageddon to establish his kingdom. All the ungodly and all ungodliness will be removed. All liars and all lies will be removed. The earth will be without lies for 1000 years. Satan will be loosed for a short season to work his wicked magic among the ungodly. Then the rebellion will be resolved, all of the ungodly will be cast into the lake of fire, and lies will be removed from the universe for ever. Never again will a single lie ever defile the family of God.
Some sweet day we will be removed from this lie-filled world and taken to glory. Then we will be taught the ways and truth of God in perfection. Every lie, great or small, that tarnished our testimony will be removed. We will all be on the same page. Then we will come down with the Lord Jesus at Armageddon to establish his kingdom. All the ungodly and all ungodliness will be removed. All liars and all lies will be removed. The earth will be without lies for 1000 years. Satan will be loosed for a short season to work his wicked magic among the ungodly. Then the rebellion will be resolved, all of the ungodly will be cast into the lake of fire, and lies will be removed from the universe for ever. Never again will a single lie ever defile the family of God.
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