Monday, January 6, 2025

Perilous Times Are Here! January 6, 2024

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Harbinger’s Daily
 Report Reveals How Ruthlessly
The Biden Administration Persecuted Christian Education

 By Alex Newman: While Americans were focused on the weaponization of federal law enforcement and the justice system, the Biden administration was also quietly but ruthlessly weaponizing the U.S. Department of Education against Christian institutions as well. Those are the findings of a shocking new report by the pro-family group American Principles Project.

The numbers are shocking but hard to deny. According to new data obtained by APP, almost 70 percent of the Biden education bureaucracy’s “enforcement actions” targeted faith-based and career schools. For perspective, those categories represent less than 10 percent of students across the country.

Two of the nation’s largest and most important Christian institutions of higher education, Liberty University and Grand Canyon University, both found themselves in the crosshairs. The universities were hit with record-breaking fines totaling more than all other fines combined: Almost $38 million for Grand Canyon and $14 million for Liberty.

Prophecy News Watch
 Connect The Dots Between New Orleans And Support For Anti-Israel Terror

 By Jonathan Tobin/ : Mass killings in the United States tend to provoke very different kinds of reactions from the liberal political and media establishment.

Attacks that can be linked, however tenuous or unlikely, to the political right, are seized upon as an excuse to demonize conservatives and Republicans. Those that can't be associated with the right but involve gun violence are used to promote gun control laws.

But comments about slaughter linked to Islamist extremism are very different. They are primarily used to scold the country not to connect the dots between such incidents and a growing tolerance for antisemitism in the country, as well as support for anti-Western violence in the Muslim world.

This was demonstrated repeatedly in the aftermath of the New Orleans terrorist attack on the first day of 2025.

While caution is always a good idea when commenting about a crime before all the facts become available, that's a rule that is never applied to those incidents that can be employed as political fodder for the left.

All News Pipeline
 The Pandemic Planners Come For
Hoof And Hen…And Us Again

 ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ Is A Gigantic, Deadly Protection Racket, It Is Like Arsonists Running The Fire Department

 By By Clayton J. Baker, MD/Brownstone Institute: On December 31, 2024, the world received a year-end parting gift from the good folks at NIAID, Anthony Fauci’s old fiefdom at the National Institutes of Health. NIAID – the same unaccountable and secretive agency that Fauci used to fund the gain-of-function research of Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill and the Bat Lady in Wuhan that resulted in Covid – has a new director, one Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo.

Marrazzo and another NIAID colleague, Dr. Michael G. Ison, wrote a year-end editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine that accompanies a research paper on recent H5N1 Bird flu cases in the United States, as well as a case report of a lone case of severe illness associated with Bird flu in British Columbia.

Marrazzo and Ison summarize the findings of the research paper and case report as follows:
Investigators now report in the Journal a series of human cases from the United States and Canada. The former series involves 46 case patients with generally mild, self-limited infection with [Influenza type] A(H5N1): 20 with exposure to poultry, 25 with exposure to dairy cows, and 1 with undefined exposure.…Most case patients presented with conjunctivitis, almost half with fever, and a minority with mild respiratory symptoms, and all recovered. The only hospitalization occurred in the case patient with undefined exposure, although hospitalization was not for respiratory illness.

Geller Report
 Speaker of the House Johnson Announces Congress Will Shut Down Federal Bureaucracies

 By Pamela Geller: Mike Johnson just announced that Congress will immediately move to pass legislation to shut down the federal bureaucracies.

Zero Democrats looked happy to hear that.

“We’re going to drastically cut back the size and scope of government. We’re going to return the power back to the people.”

Trump’s golden era kicks off.

Let’s see if Johnson has the spine.

Frontpage Mag
 Biden Admin Knew Last Year, China Could Shut Down Our Infrastructure

 And Has Done Nothing

 By Daniel Greenfield: The Biden administration knew how bad it was and did nothing.
Chinese hackers had gained the ability to shut down dozens of U.S. ports, power grids and other infrastructure targets at will, Jake Sullivan told telecommunications and technology executives at a secret meeting at the White House in the fall of 2023, according to people familiar with it. The attack could threaten lives, and the government needed the companies’ help to root out the intruders.

What no one at the briefing knew, including Sullivan: China’s hackers were already working their way deep inside U.S. telecom networks, too.
Did they know? Did they not know?

The bottom line is they did nothing useful. The WSJ story pretends this is a new development, but China has a long history of catastrophic hacks, and the situation has been allowed to get and worse.

The telecom hacks completely compromised our communications, still hasn’t been resolved and may never be.

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 Judge Merchan To Sentence Trump
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2025: The Mysterious Drones Are Back!!!

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 The DRONE Secret’s Out! Vegas Bomber Just told Us EXACTLY What They Are!
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