Thursday, January 9, 2025

Perilous Times Are Here! January 9, 2024

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Now The End Begins
APOCALYPTIC INFERNO: Out Of Control Fire Rages Across The Pacific Palisades In California As Week One Of The New Year Officially Comes To A Close

 By Geoffrey Grider: Fearsome winds forced crews to ground firefighting aircraft in the battle against the Palisades fire on Tuesday night, making it even more challenging for firefighters to get a handle on the fast-growing blaze.

As of yesterday, the new year of 2025 was officially one week old and yet has so far managed to pack about 3 months worth of news into that 7-day period. Donald Trump is still 12 days away from being sworn in, and the Palisades fire is an excellent type picture of what it feels like in this new year. It feels like everything all around us is literally on fire like the fire ravaging the Palisades right now.

“Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow.” Isaiah 50:11 (KJV)

Another problem they are having in California right now is they are running out of water, and because of that, efforts are now focused more on evacuation than they are on putting the fire out. Amid the hellish backdrop of the apocalyptic inferno, evacuation notices were placed along the affluent coastal region, with a chilling warning which read: ‘Immediate threat to life.’ Pray for the people in California, pray for a quick end to these fires, pray for the Lord to use you in these end times. That’s the memo.

Harbinger’s Daily
 Christians Should Not Be Getting Their Theology From Jordan Peterson

 By Answers In Genesis: Jordan Peterson surged to fame in right-wing circles several years ago when he took a brave stance against the compelled use of made-up pronouns. He has since joined the Daily Wire and written several books, the latest of which is We Who Wrestle with God. The recommendations on the back jacket of the book almost make Peterson out to be a new Jerome. “This book revitalizes ancient wisdom and builds a bridge between human biology and theology,” says evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein. “This book will mint new Christians and stir old ones. With this book, Peterson will make the same impact on our theology that he has made on our culture,” raves comedian and podcaster Russell Brand.

One wonders whether the same book they read was released to the public. I don’t worry about the impact of Peterson’s book on readers’ theology because it is unlikely anyone will be able to understand him. However, no one should be under any illusions: this is not a Christian book, and Christians should not be getting their theology from Jordan Peterson.

Is There an Editor in the House?

Anyone who watched Jordan Peterson’s early videos will recall his rambling style that leaped from Solzhenitsyn to Pinocchio to something about lobsters, leaving many impressed with his intellectual range and certain he had said something profound, though some warned against an “emperor’s new clothes” effect even then. This idiosyncrasy in communication has been allowed to run wildly unchecked, and his book is largely unreadable because of it.

To give just one example of the dizzying leap between concepts in the first pages of the book, Elijah wrestled with God and appeared at Jesus’ transfiguration, which can also be termed a metamorphosis like a caterpillar into a butterfly—which is literally psyche—and butterflies are great navigators, just as humans spread from Africa throughout the world (per the evolutionary account of human history that Peterson wholeheartedly accepts) (Peterson 2024, xv–xvii). This style makes it hard to understand what Peterson is trying to convey. His writing also calls into question whether he is trying to convey anything at all or just trying to impress the reader with the scope of his knowledge.

Prophecy News Watch
 China Sending A Warning? Hackers Could Bring Down U.S. Infrastucture ‘At Will’

 By Dan Hart/Washington Stand: In the wake of an unprecedented breach of U.S. Treasury Department workstations by Chinese state-sponsored hackers last week, a new report has revealed that the Biden administration quietly acknowledged over a year ago that hackers sponsored by the communist regime have the ability to shut down U.S. infrastructure such as ports and power grids "at will."

A Wall Street Journal report published over the weekend cited individuals familiar with a "secret meeting" Biden's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan held with telecommunications and technology executives at the White House in the fall of 2023, in which Sullivan admitted that Chinese hackers had acquired the ability to potentially paralyze the U.S. by disrupting power grids and shipping ports.

A year after the meeting, hackers from China executed a further massive breach of U.S. internet service providers in September 2024, demonstrating the extent of their capabilities to potentially bring America to a standstill.

All News Pipeline
 Something Unusual Is Happening Over At Meta’s Facebook And Instagram As CEO Mark Zuckerberg Announces Major Changes To The Platform Guaranteed To Enrage Internet Liberals

 By Susan Duclos: Let me begin this by saying I don't trust META's CEO and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, as Facebook and Instagram were some of the first to ban accounts questioning the Covid-19 origin story, climate change, the safety of the Covid vaccines, the 2020 election, and a whole host of other issues, because the banned users dared question the "authoritative scientific consensus," much like Google, and the old Twitter before Elon Musk bought it.

With that out of the way, Zuckerberg was one of the first to publicly acknowledge the harassment and threatening tone of the federal government censorship complex, to call them out for pressuring compliance in removing accounts for what George Orwell called "wrongthink."
“In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire,” Zuckerberg wrote in a letter to the Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives. And while it was Meta’s decision whether to remove content, he continues, “the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it.”
I can distrust someone and dislike their politics, and still offer credit when it is due, and Zuckerberg is one of the biggest names in social media, so his statements did garner attention, and kudos for that.

Geller Report
Biden Regime Releases 9/11 Al Qaeda Terrorists From Gitmo – Including
Two Alleged Bin Laden Bodyguards

 By Pamela Geller: Next to Obama, Biden is the worst, most dangerous president. Democrats hate this country. Democrats hate you.
The media keeps writing stories about the release of Al Qaeda terrorists from Gitmo without once using the name "Al Qaeda,". They're just "detainees".

Why are they in Gitmo? Who knows?

— Daniel Greenfield – "Hang Together or Separately" (@Sultanknish) January 7, 2025

The Common Sense Show
 China Is Undergoing An Economic Collapse Which Will End With WWIII

Hope For Our Times
 Today In Prophecy 01.07.25

Daily News in 15 minutes or less from a Biblical perspective with Pastor Tom Hughes

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Dr. Steven Turley

A Minute To Midnite
2025 Kicks Off With Some Alarming Global Moves!

Synopsis: Leo Hohmann joins Tony. Donald Trump will soon be in office again. Here Leo unpacks some potentially alarming developments around this and other topics."