Thursday, March 28, 2013


K-House eNews — For almost twenty years there has been controversy over certain eyewitness reports of abandoned World War II bases here in the US being retrofitted and restored by the federal government. Such bases were confirmed to exist, although, since the government was not acknowledging them, their ultimate purpose was elusive.

A skeptical perspective (maybe paranoid) feared that this was for containment of a resistant population reacting to a federal authority which had chosen disregard the Constitution and dissolve personal freedoms. Private militias were form and commenced training. the stock piling of food stuffs and weapons took went ballistic.

Whether this was a rational response or just prudent disaster planning by the Federal Emergence Management Authority (FEMA), a suspicious rift grew between a segment of the population and the federal government.

Now many years later the same issues have resurfaced once more. This time there is many more overt actions by the federal government that need clarification. These issues have become so concerning that Government officials on both sides of the isle have requested enlightenment to the ultimate implied intentions.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics data for 2008 there are now 70 different federal law enforcement agencies employing over 120,000 officers that have the authority to carry firearms and arrest. This represents a nearly 30% increase from 2004-2008. This is a staggering number. The consequential increase between 2008-2013 can only be extrapolated because current data is not available.

There are presently 73 Offices of the Inspector General (OIG) attached to different departments of the Federal government. Because the OIG is tasked with not only auditing their respective agency’s actions but uncovering misconduct, fraud and illegal activities, the individual federal agencies have secured the services of fully trained and armed agents dressed and acting as tactical units. Just a few of the agencies so equipped are the State Department, The Department of Education, The Department of Energy, US Fish and Wildlife Services and the National Parks Services. Even NASA as such a team. This might not sound extreme until you recognize that the Constitution of the US forbids a federal police force who’s purpose is to act against its citizens. The federal government only has authority outward, not inward.

If this wasn’t concerning enough now it has come to light that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the last year has been stockpiling ammunition. Not just a little. So far the estimates are close to 2 BILLION rounds. This amounts to a 24 year supply. Just yesterday it was revealed they have ordered 340,000 more rounds. There are even reports that these are hollow point rounds that are twice as expensive as regular full metal jacket ones. A curious point is that the Geneva Convention on “civilized” war forbids the use of hollow point bullets. Even our military doesn’t use hollow point ammunition.

Several enquiries have been made to DHS about their intentions with this stockpiled inventory. At first they said they were “bulk” buying to save money. When the price issue was presented they became silent. Even the efforts of several Congressmen have to garnered any answers. Pressure is mounting from both sides of the isle for an explanation.

It is said that “nature abhors a vacuum”. With the lack of verifiable information the public is left to “speculate” as to the intentions of the federal government. And speculate it will. With more guns being sold than any time in our country’s history, and ammunition to the general public becoming more restricted because of DHS’s apparent purchasing, frustration and suspicion is growing. The plausible explanations for this type stockpiling drifts to either trying to curtail Second Amendment rights by restricting supply or preparing for an extreme situation of civil unrest. Either explanation is frightening. Either they want to ignore and invalidate the Constitution and/or they want to be equipped for the consequences when they do.

If there is a plausible explanation we the people need to hear it and soon. Otherwise the words of our president, during his first campaign in Colorado, echo in our ears:
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
» Full Article

» Congressman Doug Lamalfa On DHS Ammo Purchases - WND
» Congress Seeks Answers on Huge Homeland Security Ammo Contracts - The New American
» While Ammunition Is Hard To Find, Department Of Homeland Security Has Stockpile - Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.

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About Koinonia House & Dr. Chuck Missler
Koinonia is a New Testament word which is most often translated to mean “communication”, “fellowship”, or “communion”. Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, is dedicated to the development and distribution of materials for encouraging and facilitating serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.

K-House was founded by Chuck and Nancy Missler. Chuck, a Naval academy graduate and former Branch Chief of the Dept. of Guided Missiles, had a remarkable 30-year executive career. He served on the Board of Directors of 12 public companies and was CEO of 6 of them. For twenty years Chuck balanced his high-profile corporate career with his teaching commitment to a weekly Bible study at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa in Southern California. Nancy, while raising their four children, has touched the lives of thousands through her in-depth teaching of Biblical discoveries in her “Way of Agape” and “Be Ye Transformed” books and tape series.

After a devastating earthquake in 1992 demolished their home in Big Bear, California, Chuck and Nan moved Koinonia House to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and K-House now reaches tens of thousands through its monthly newsletter, radio shows, podcast, Bible study materials, and conferences. More than eight million Bible study resources have been distributed in the U.S. and in over 35 countries around the world. Please join us in this Grand Adventure, and let’s see what the Lord will do.