Thursday, April 10, 2014


You’ve Read The News - Now Understand It

The New UN Report “Arab Integration:
A 21st Century Development Imperative”

David Lazarus, Israel Today — The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), which was established to aid development in the Arab world, has published a new report targeting a nation that does not fall under its jurisdiction - Israel. Nevertheless, this official UN agency, which received over 88 million dollars in allocations last year, has a lot to say about the Jewish state.

Here are a few quotes taken directly from the new UN report titled "Arab Integration: A 21st Century Development Imperative." We added a few comments for clarification.

"Palestine is still under Israeli occupation which is based on settlement-building and substitution."
[Ed. Note: Substitution means transferring one people group for another and is better known as "ethnic cleansing."]

"Israel's violation is not limited to direct occupation of Arab land. Israel makes repeated attacks on neighbouring countries."
[Ed. Note: Israel attacks Hezbollah in Lebanon, terror cells from Iran and stray Syrian missile launchers.]

"These policies are a threat to the security of Arab citizens across the region."
[Ed. Note: They are certainly a threat to radical Muslim terrorists!]

"These (Israeli) policies have led to civil wars, such as that in Lebanon, in an attempt to divide the region into sectarian mini-States."
[Ed. Note: According to the report, Israel is responsible for the murderous sectarianism and Arab civil wars.]

"By pushing for an exclusive Jewish State, Israel propagates the concept of religious or ethnic purity of states, a concept that inflicted on humanity the worst crimes of the last century."
[Ed. Note: The worst crimes of the last century would be the Holocaust and the genocide in Sudan. So the UN is promoting the idea that Israel's desire to be a Jewish state is really a plot to kill all the Arabs in the Mideast.]

"This concept (Jewish state) undermines human development based on equal rights for all citizens, and non-discrimination against any person on the basis of religion or ethnicity."
[Ed. Note: In the report, only Israel is singled out for religious persecutions and racism as compared to other Muslim countries. Oh, did I say Muslim countries? I meant egalitarian democratic Arab states.]

"The Arab region cannot become free without the liberation of those Arab territories currently under Israeli occupation."
[Ed. Note: In other words, once Israel is destroyed, there will be free press, freedom of speech, women's liberation and freedom of religion in the Arab Mideast. That would be wonderful, except Israel is here to stay.]

Rima Khalaf (pictured), who was appointed as Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of ESCWA by the UN chief Ban Ki-moon, had this to say of her organization's new report:

"Foreign interference comes in various forms, such as violations of Arab rights and dignity, but its worst manifestation is the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the Syrian Golan Heights and Lebanese territories."
[Ed. Note: According to the UN appointed-Khalal, it is Israel that has taken away Arab dignity (by winning 5 wars?).]

"The authors of the report claim that the damage caused by Israeli policies is not limited to occupation activities, but they believe that aggressive Israeli policies, including its support for discord aimed at establishing Arab sectarian mini-States."
[Ed. Note: Rima Khalaf, the Executive Secretary of a UN agency that receives over 88 million dollars a year, likes the idea that Israel is the cause of the sectarian fighting and the Muslim civil wars.]

"The most dangerous of these policies is Israel's adamancy that it is a Jewish State, which violates the rights of both the Muslim and Christian indigenous populations and revives the concept of state ethnic and religious purity, which caused egregious human suffering during the twentieth century."
[Ed. Note: Khalaf, in the name of the UN, continues to aggressively promote the idea that Israel is an apartheid nation that practices ethnic cleansing.]

Spread this inside look at the UN report around and expose these dangerous lies. Make a comment and let your voice be heard in the battle for Israel! » Full Article

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