Saturday, June 28, 2014


Examining Current Events
In The Light Of God’s Prophetic Word

A Recent Survey Reveals That 70% Of Israeli Jews
Believe They Are God’s Chosen People

This “Daily Update” Aired: June 27, 2014
The latest survey of the beliefs and values among Israeli Jews, the first comprehensive study in more than a decade, reveals that 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God exists and some 70% of these Jews surveyed believed the Jews are the chosen people, a statement that can be found in the Bible. The authors of this study believe the demographic changes in Israel caused by the higher birthrates among the orthodox and the ultra-orthodox Jews has resulted in the uptick of Jewish attachment to Biblical truth with a majority of all Israeli Jews believing in the coming Jewish Messiah.

Jimmy’s Prophetic Prospective on the News

A recent survey made among Israeli Jews reveals that Jews believe they are God's chosen people, a fact that the Bible stated more than 4000 years ago but a fact that means God does have a plan for the Jewish people in the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.

Over the last decade, Jews living in Israel have become much more religious, an interesting fact in light of God's plan for the Jewish people in the future. A recent survey indicates that 70% of all Israeli Jews believe in God and 55% of those surveyed say they believe in the coming of their Messiah. Fully 80% of Israeli Jews believe that God does indeed exist, the highest figure in more than two decades, a trend that will take place as the world moves into the prophetic events found in Bible prophecy.

The ancient Jewish prophecy Ezekiel prewrote history as he spoke of the regathering of the Jewish people from the four corners of the earth, the restoration of a Jewish state and a Jewish community in Israel that though in unbelief, there will be an increase in a desire to see their Messiah and to become the people of God, the chosen people (Ezekiel 37:7-11 and Ezekiel 34:11-30). God does have a plan for the Jewish people and this plan is focused on the land of Israel, a land promised to the Jewish people by God Himself (Ezekiel 36, Deuteronomy 30). The future for the Jews not only in Israel but around the entire world is in the hands of God and its found in the pages of His Word the Bible.

With this increase of the knowledge of God's plan for the Jewish people, this plan will indeed come to pass. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. » Full Article & Audio

Air Date: June 21, 2014
Jimmy’s guests this week include Ken Timmerman, Dave Dolan, David Wilder, Itamar Marcus, Dr. Rob Congdon, and Dave James.

Middle East Update and More...
90-minutes of information that will be essential for your understanding of what is happening in our world. Current events and Geo-political activities that are seemingly setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Not to be missed!

Prophecy Today Host And Founder: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung resided in Jerusalem for 18 years where he held full credentials as a journalist in the second most populated journalistic city in the world. Arriving there just 3 days prior to the Gulf Crisis in 1991, he weathered 39 Scud attacks. Jimmy gave reports nationwide on several networks during the Gulf Crisis. Jimmy is a noted conference speaker in the United States, Europe, and South America, and he devotes several months out of each year to this conference schedule.

About Prophecy Today
Prophecy Today is a media organization with a global outreach, educating the Body of Christ of the future events foretold in God’s prophetic Word. Our goal is to equip Christians with the knowledge and understanding of what God’s Word says will happen someday soon, so that they can be prepared, pure, and productive in the light of the imminent Rapture of the Church.
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The God Of Abraham, Issac, And Jacob Regarding Israel
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. ~ Genesis 12:3