‘Opening Statement’
“Obama Shipping Illegals Into Your State And Your
Town With No Notice, Under The Cover Of
Darkness, Hoping You Won’t Notice”
Town With No Notice, Under The Cover Of
Darkness, Hoping You Won’t Notice”
“Judge Jeanine Pirro blasted President Barack Obama for the illegal immigration crisis, accusing him of attempting to change the demographics and electorate of the U.S.”
I draw but one conclusion: Barack Obama is intentionally using the immigration crisis as an excuse to change the demographics and ultimately the electorate of this nation.
The latest: a Trojan horse adding to a long line of scandals, screw ups, shocking stupidity, or maybe shocking shrewdness. Yes, a Trojan horse using children to advance his political party, his agenda and his legacy. As coyotes – human smugglers hired to bring children into the United States – deliver them by the thousands with the help of Mexico - a public health danger, a law enforcement nightmare and yet another tax burden is created, courtesy of Barack Obama.
Now you say, “Come on, these are babies! This is a humanitarian crisis.” And I say, “We all love babies, but most of the ‘babies’ coming here are between the ages of 14 and 17, and three-quarters of those 14 to 17 year olds are males.” So much for that image of Border Patrol spending all their time changing diapers. And I've got more bad news for you: gang signs located at the holding facilities entice those male teens to join MS-13, one of the most violent gangs in the world.
And, it’s no surprise. Three weeks ago, I told you what was happening:
“It is the Obama administration knowingly creating a public health time bomb by sending tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children across the country with potentially dangerous infectious diseases?”
And now reports confirm scabies, a flesh eating mite, tuberculosis, chicken pox, lice, foot and mouth disease, strep throat, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
And here’s the good news - you ready? Our most transparent administration is shipping these kids into your state and your town with no notice, under the cover of darkness, hoping you won’t notice, as happened in Murietta, Calif.
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Our president told us that our borders were secure as he ridiculed those who said it wasn’t:
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The first order of government is the protection of its people. Do you really think that the drug cartels and gang bangers and even terrorists aren’t taking advantage of this migration through our wide open border?
Mr. President, there’s a reason we think you’re the worst president in recent history. We don’t trust you. We don't believe you. We don't think you're capable of leading the country.
Illegally entering the United States is not a right to citizenship.
And don’t tell us we’re heartless because we believe in the rule of law, which is the foundation upon which our country was founded.
Now, how many American children won’t be able to go to school because these kids, many with communicable diseases, are in our classrooms?
The American people want answers from you, Mr. President.
[See full transcript...]
Yes - I draw but one conclusion: it’s all a Trojan horse. You remember, the Trojans naively accepted that gift horse. It didn’t work out so well for them, did it? Let’s pray it works out OK for us.
The latest: a Trojan horse adding to a long line of scandals, screw ups, shocking stupidity, or maybe shocking shrewdness. Yes, a Trojan horse using children to advance his political party, his agenda and his legacy. As coyotes – human smugglers hired to bring children into the United States – deliver them by the thousands with the help of Mexico - a public health danger, a law enforcement nightmare and yet another tax burden is created, courtesy of Barack Obama.
And, it’s no surprise. Three weeks ago, I told you what was happening:
“It is the Obama administration knowingly creating a public health time bomb by sending tens of thousands of illegal immigrant children across the country with potentially dangerous infectious diseases?”
And now reports confirm scabies, a flesh eating mite, tuberculosis, chicken pox, lice, foot and mouth disease, strep throat, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
And here’s the good news - you ready? Our most transparent administration is shipping these kids into your state and your town with no notice, under the cover of darkness, hoping you won’t notice, as happened in Murietta, Calif.
[See full transcript...]
Our president told us that our borders were secure as he ridiculed those who said it wasn’t:
“You know, they said we needed to triple the Border Patrol, or now they’re gonna say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol, or they’ll want a higher fence, maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat.”Funny, but you really didn’t expect the truth from him, did you?
[See full transcript...]
The first order of government is the protection of its people. Do you really think that the drug cartels and gang bangers and even terrorists aren’t taking advantage of this migration through our wide open border?
Mr. President, there’s a reason we think you’re the worst president in recent history. We don’t trust you. We don't believe you. We don't think you're capable of leading the country.
Illegally entering the United States is not a right to citizenship.
And don’t tell us we’re heartless because we believe in the rule of law, which is the foundation upon which our country was founded.
Now, how many American children won’t be able to go to school because these kids, many with communicable diseases, are in our classrooms?
The American people want answers from you, Mr. President.
[See full transcript...]
Yes - I draw but one conclusion: it’s all a Trojan horse. You remember, the Trojans naively accepted that gift horse. It didn’t work out so well for them, did it? Let’s pray it works out OK for us.
About Judge Jeanine Pirro

Formerly Westchester District Attorney, Judge Pirro was also the host of a syndicated weekday court show distributed by Warner Brothers -- for which she won an Emmy. Her notable legal career spans over 30 years. In 1975, she became an assistant district attorney for Westchester County, New York and was the first female to prosecute murder cases there. In 1990, Pirro was elected as the first woman to serve as a Westchester County Court judge. » Full Bio
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