Saturday, July 12, 2014


Current Events And Commentaries

Obama Opens America’s Borders To
Jihadists Bearing Drugs And Bombs

America Is Being Destroyed By This Horror,
And The Politicians Of Both Parties Permit It To Continue

Lead Story by Suzanne Eovaldi, Western Journalism —
The risk of attacks by violent ISIS jihadists crossing our Southern border has taken on ominous proportions, according to a former Defense Department analyst who believes this event could happen “sooner rather than later.” “ISIS may be working to infiltrate the US with the aid of transnational drug cartels,” continued Michael Maloof. The violent MS-13 Mexican gang is known to have members in over 1,000 US cities and could provide conduits for jihadists, helping them transport weapons and supplies needed to set off terror bombs the magnitude of 9-11 or worse! Suitcase nukes, agents of bio-warfare, and suicide bombers are NOT BEING screened in the mass invasion along our Southern Border, even as travelers face longer wait times to board US planes. Face it–the thing is OUT OF HAND!

One reporter asks: “Why would jihadists need to build fancy airplane bombs when they can easily transport serious WMD’s across America’s wide open Southern border?” Over 70% of our Border Control agents are acting as babysitters, changing diapers while the Southern Border is a come-on-in-free zone for violent Islamic warriors who hate America. “This jihadist group ISIS and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi have promised direct confrontation with America,” warns TX Congressman Ted Poe.

But not only are jihadist border-jumpers coming across. Last week, an east Texas Walmart shopper found on the store’s parking lot a prison wristband of Hagi Enea, a Romanian immigrant who was arrested in Pinal County, AZ on May 21, 2014. When she called the AZ county’s prisoner intake, she was allegedly told that “they are released back into the local community if someone PAYS A BOND ON THEM.” A quick Facebook search of Enea’s profile says he’s in Madrid, Spain, even as the Mineola, TX shopper is looking at proof of Subject ID #349873946!

So let’s look at this crisis very clearly. If you multiply the number of illegal anchor babies described on US BIZOP government websites as 65,000 by the estimated $5,000.00 bounty drug cartels reportedly charge to transport each illegal child 1,400 miles from Central America across Mexico into our country, you have the staggering sum of $325,000,000.00 going into crime cartel coffers FOR THIS YEAR ALONE! They have more than enough cash to bail out jihaddis and fund their attacks on the United States! And what about the added flow of drugs because our Border agents have to take care of the “children,” rather than our open drug routes? Here’s a perfect storm of a somnolent and drugged civilian populace, a flood of jihaddis bent on destroying the United States, and a do-nothing President who’d rather fund-raise than protect America’s borders.

Qurans and prayer rugs were found along the east Texas border as far back as 2012, when OTMs (Other Than Mexicans) were allowed to freely roam into our country. One Border Control agent said that even though he sees cartel and gang member tattoos, our government won’t allow him to question or detain these “children.” Pictures on the web of many young males jammed into east TX detention rooms show veritable classrooms of gang mayhem and death.

The website, which broke the story of the quick release of prisoner Hagi Enea, is asking “Why are there no reports of foreign nationals other than Mexicans and South Americans being reported?” Walmart’s donation of men’s sizes 3x, 4x, and XXL underwear to DHS is further proof that children aren’t the only illegals crossing the border. Where are donations by Walmart for baby diapers and toddler training pants? Well, they can’t shop; but the adult males can put American dollars in cash registers, right?

Rescue beacon signs in Chinese are now up along the Southern border to provide information for assistance. One Chinese national told an agent that they can only have one child back home! It’s hard to understand why Texas governor Rick Perry can tell TV audiences something we already know–that this is a “humanitarian crisis,”—while he still refuses to activate the TX National Guard to stop this “monumental tragedy.” The fact that American citizens have taken to the CA and AZ streets is proof that we no longer look to Obama or to the states for defense of our nation’s borders.

America is being destroyed by this horror, and the politicians of both parties permit it to continue. » Full Story

» Mexico, Guatemala Fast-Track Delivery Of Illegals To U.S.
Mexico and Guatemala have reached an agreement that is intended to make it easier and safer for Central Americans, including unaccompanied minors, to enter the United States illegally. Though largely unreported in the U.S. mainstream media, the two nations agreed on July 7, in a presidential-level meeting in Mexico, to make it legal and safe for Central American immigrants, including unaccompanied minors, to cross Mexico’s border with Guatemala and transit Mexico en route to the U.S. border at the Rio Grande. The agreement apparently does not recognize that the result of such trips – entry into the United States – remains illegal...

» In the Dark: Obama, Staff Learn of Scandals From News Reports
Newsmax —
The Obama administration has been engulfed in an unending stream of scandals — and President Barack Obama learned of most of them through news reports. From the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans, to the IRS targeting conservative nonprofit groups, to the revelations about veterans dying while waiting for care because of falsified lists at the Department of Veterans Affairs, the president and his top aides have admitted that they found out about them in the media...

» Veterans Affairs Officials Claim Agency Cannot Revoke Bonuses, Contradicting Earlier Statements To Congressional Committee
Washington Examiner —
Bonuses paid to top executives at the Department of Veterans Affairs who committed misconduct cannot be rescinded, an agency official testified Friday, in direct contradiction to what he told a different panel less than a month ago. Samuel Retherford, principal deputy assistant secretary for human resources at the veterans' agency, was asked directly whether bonuses paid to senior executives who created phony medical appointment lists could be rescinded. “Currently we do not have the authority to go back and rescind an award,”....

» Exclusive–Trump: ‘A Country That Cannot Protect Its Borders Will Not Last’
 photo 071214NewsBriefs9.jpg Our government should immediately stop sending money to Mexico. USMC Sgt. Tahmooressi sacrified for our country, and while Obama is welcoming illegals, our Marine is locked in a Mexican jail. Mexico is allowing tens of thousands to go through their country and to our very stupid “open door” at the Mexican border. Frankly, Sgt. Tahmooressi is the only person who can’t come into our country! What is wrong with this picture? It’s clear to me that a country that cannot protect its borders will not last. What about the people at home? We are not caring for our own. That should be our focus. Our president’s focus has been made clear already—he was in Texas but he was too busy playing pool and fundraising to visit the border—or USMC Sgt. Tahmooressi.

» Netanyahu Calls Out Team Obama And Says Israel Will Never Give Up The West Bank
Now The Ens Begins —
Citing John Kerry by name, PM says he knows best about keeping Israel safe, and won’t allow West Bank to become ‘another 20 Gazas.’ On the fourth day of Operation Protective Edge, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a strong and sternly open rebuke to John Kerry, Barack Obama, and any one else who would seek to pressure Israel to relinquish control over the West Bank. “I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan” — a reference to the Jordan Valley and the West Bank — as Kerry had urged during a US-led peace effort that collapsed in April.

» ‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘My’—Obama Uses First Person Singular 199 Times In Speech Vowing Unilateral Action
CNS News —
Not counting instances when he quoted a letter from a citizen or cited dialogue from a movie, President Barack Obama used the first person singular--including the pronouns "I" and "me" and the adjective "my"--199 times in a speech he delivered Thursday vowing to use unilateral executive action to achieve his policy goals that Congress would not enact through the normal, constitutional legislative process. “It is lonely, me just doing stuff,” Obama said at the speech in Austin, Texas, according to the official transcript and video posted on the White House website.

» Lois Lerner CAUGHT By Washington Post And CNN As Being Accessory To Terror Funding
Walid Shoebat —
Based on a 2009 article that appeared in the Washington Post and a March 2013 report by CNN, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) – who authored a resolution calling for the Sergeant at Arms to arrest Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress – should perhaps point to a much more significant crime in response to any concerns that Lerner could become a sympathetic figure if she were arrested. That crime involves Lerner’s alleged illegal backdating of a tax exempt approval letter for an organization whose founder does business with a State Sponsor of Terrorism, business the Post says is illegal...

» TB: Illegals Bring Deadly Threat
Seventy-five percent of current illegal immigrants are coming from countries in Central America, South America, the Middle East, West Africa, China, India, Pakistan and others far beyond Mexico where multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is common and extremely widespread in children and adults. Extensively Drug Resistant TB (XDR-TB) is an even more serious form of TB, accounting for about 10 percent of cases in these countries, particularly Central/South America and India. Many illegal border crossers now flooding the U.S. southern border are carrying an invisible, disease-causing co-traveler: the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium...This suppression of critical medical information is egregious negligence putting millions of Americans at serious risk. Americans need to demand that Congress and public officials provide answers and appropriate steps to control the spread of disease before thousands of Americans die...

Rush Limbaugh Just Walked All Over Obama
In This Crushing Tirade
“He selectively chooses which powers he wants to use.”
More Videos From Western Journalism

Story by Justin Koski, Western Journalism —
Rush Limbaugh made a great point: how can Obama manage to shut down all kinds of government, but for some reason he can’t shut down the border? He points out that Obama is picking and choosing which laws to ignore, and also “selectively choosing” which of his powers to use.
“Obama was able to close down Washington Mall, he was able to stop veteran’s ceremonies, he’s able to shut down a Blue Ridge Parkway, he was even able to shut down the Grand Canyon, visits to the Grand Canyon, he’s able to shut down visits to Jellystone National Park, he was able, while the World War II memorial was shut down, he allowed for a pro immigration rally… yet he tells us that he can’t shut down the border!” » Read Full Story...

Obama’s Washington

» Cagle Cartoons/Western Journalism