Friday, November 21, 2014


Family-Friendly Television Productions

Transcript: “I don’t know which is worse, Obama’s outrageous and murderous intentional arming of ISIS with air drops of U.S. arms for them to kill our allies the Iraqi’s. Or the mainstream liberal lapdog news media intentionally blacking out these mass murderous actions.

If the news media would blow the whistle on Obama, or at least report that this is happening, our Iraqi allies might be able to eliminate the Islamic State threat once and for all.

Instead, they choose to fan the flames of impending riots in Ferguson, Missouri.

How on earth can the liberal media justify ignoring the fact that special bullets worth thousands of dollars each have been handed over to ISIS at no charge and that these weapons have killed many of our Iraqi allies?

We successfully voted out many of the liberal rascals from elected office this past election. Now let’s vote out the liberal media by boycotting their lame lying news organizations.

Please forward a copy of this video to anyone you know who still watches the lying, deceiving, lapdog liberal media, and ask them to contact those news fakers to inform them that they see right through their propaganda masquerading as news.

Thank you.”

Reference Article
» Iraq Intel Report: US Planes Supplying ISIL With Weapons, Foodstuff

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» Clean TV | YouTube