Friday, August 7, 2015



“A video shows a gray figure rushing past President Obama when he was in Kenya. (Reuters)”

Jessilyn Justice, Charisma News — We already know that President Barack Obama had his own agenda when visiting Africa the last few weeks.

Despite requests from African presidents begging the U.S. politician to not discuss gay marriage, he pushed the issue anyway.

Obama even joked about taking a third term as president, which some are convinced he could do through martial law.

But now, a new video showing Obama landing in Kenya reveals something quite disturbing: A gray figure rushing by.

Author and evangelist Perry Stone took to Periscope to explain how he's also dealt with flashes that appear when recording a video.

"There are things that show up when you take a picture at times, and I'm not trying to be weird or goofy here," Stone says.

Stone doesn't want to sensationalize or read into what could be a technical glitch, a bug or out-of-focus person, but he's curious about what's going on. Cameras today, he says, can pick up light-sensitive things that someone standing right there can miss.

When footage is slowed down frame-by-frame, viewers can see what the eye missed before recording.

“(The blur) doesn't mean he’s possessed, that doesn’t mean there’s a demon on him or anything like that, but there are spirits on that part of Africa, Stone says.

Watch the video to see for yourself and let us know what you think it is.

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Jesus, Matthew 7:13
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat”