Sunday, August 10, 2014


“Latest News, Biblical Perspective”
Breaking Israel News offers a fresh and Biblical perspective on the latest news from Israel and the Middle East. Our bias is not liberal nor conservative
- Just Biblical.

Smoke rises following Israeli air strikes in northern Gaza City on August 8, 2014, The Israeli army responded with air strikes at “terror sites” across the Gaza Strip on Friday after militants launched rockets from the enclave, an Israeli military spokesman said. Islamist militants resumed rocket fire from the coastal enclave into Israel as a 72-hour ceasefire expired at 8 a.m. (Photo: Edi Israel/Flash90)

For you equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise against me sink under me.” ~ Psalm 18:39

 photo LeaSpeyer.jpg Lea Speyer, Breaking Israel News (BIN) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday at the beginning of the weekly Cabinet meeting, “Operation Protective Edge continues.”

Now in its thirty-third day, Operation Protective Edge was launched by Israel to stop rocket fire upon Israeli cities and destroy Hamas’s terror tunnel infrastructure. While the IDF has said it has dismantled the labyrinth of terror tunnels running from Gaza into Israel, Hamas and other terror groups in the strip continue to pound Israel with rocket fire.

As ceasefire talks are taking place in Cairo, the Israeli delegation has refused to return to the negotiating table as long as the rocket fire continues. Negotiators were called back to Israel on Friday after terrorists renewed their rocket fire on Israel.

“We have not, at any point, said it ended and it will continue until it has achieved its goals. This will take time. Israel will not conduct negotiations under fire and will work to change the reality to return security to its citizens,” Netanyahu stated.

Last week, Israel and Palestinian leaders agreed to a 72-hour Egyptian brokered ceasefire. The Palestinian delegation in Cairo threatened to renew rocket fire on Israel should Israel not give in to their demands. Israel was willing to extend the ceasefire unconditionally but was met with rocket fire hours before the expiration of the ceasefire.

“If Hamas thinks it will exhaust us, it is wrong,” Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said. “We will not negotiate under fire.”

“We entered negotiations in Cairo and Hamas decided to renew rocket fire on Israel at 6 a.m. Friday. The IDF has hit a number of targets in response,” the defense minister said.

Interior Minister Gidon Sa’ar stressed the importance of dismantling Hamas’s military capabilities.

Black smoke rises following an Israeli air strike on the Gaza International Airport in Rafah, southern Gaza, on July 7, 2014. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

“It was the right thing to do then, and it’s the right thing to do now,” he said, demanding stronger deterrence against Hamas. He stressed the need for Israel to complete the operation and allow Israelis who reside close to Gaza to return to their homes.

Several polls conducted by Israeli media outlets estimate that some 80 percent of Israelis who reside near Gaza are reluctant to return to their homes. Respondents expressed diminished trust in the IDF and wish to see terrorists in Gaza annihilated once and for all.

“I understand the southern residents who expect quiet and security. As we said when we started the campaign throughout – we will not compromise on anything, and we will continue until we achieve a complete cessation of fire,” Netanyahu said.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman pushed for a greater, sweeping operation in Gaza. “What is left is to defeat Hamas, clean the area and leave as quickly as possible,” he said.

Regarding ceasefire efforts, Liberman stated, “Hamas’s minimal demands are beyond Israel’s maximal position. This situation cannot continue. If my suggestions were taken we would’nt have been in this situation.”

Since Friday, dozens of rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israel by terrorists in Gaza.
About the Author, Lea Speyer
Originally from Miami, FL and now residing in Israel, Lea Speyer holds a B.A. Cum Laude in Political Science from Stern College for Women and a M.A. Cum Laude in Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security studies from IDC Herzliya. Lea has worked for several international think tanks, including the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism where she focused her research on Islamic radicalization trends. » Full Bio

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Current Events And Commentaries

Gun Owners Correct Obama On Constitution

White House ‘Should Not Mislead The American People As To
The True Nature Of 2nd Amendment’

Lead Story by Bob Unruh, WND —
President Obama has a long record of misquoting the nation’s founding documents, whether intentionally or accidentally, repeatedly leaving out “God” or “Creator.”

In an open letter to Obama, the organization contends a statement on the White House website referencing the Constitution is wrong.

It states, “The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms.”

But the GOA letter argues the Second Amendment does not “give” citizens any rights.

“Rather, as the U.S. Supreme Court explained in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Second Amendment ‘codifies,’ ‘protects,’ and ‘secure[s]‘ a right – rather than ‘grants,’ ‘bestows,’ or ‘gives’ one,” said the letter, signed by GOA founder state Sen. H.L. “Bill” Richardson, Vice President Tim Macy, Executive Director Lawrence Pratt and board members Gerry Ognibene and Sam Paredes.

“The Supreme Court explicitly stated that ‘it has always been widely understood that the Second Amendment, like the First and Fourth Amendments, codified a pre-existing right. The Second Amendment text recognizes the right as pre-existent, declaring only that it ‘shall not be infringed.” Id. at 592 (emphasis added). That is why the court concluded in Heller that the right to keep and bear arms ‘belongs to all Americans,’” the letter released this week said.

“Thus, the Second Amendment protects a right granted us by our Creator, as described in the nation’s charter, the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

“You can understand our concern here, for if the Second Amendment is a mere privilege given to American citizens by government, it is a privilege which can be overcome by naked assertions of public safety. Indeed, this misunderstanding of the Second Amendment undergirds the erroneous positions being argued in many cases across the country by your Attorney General and the U.S. Justice Department,” the letter told Obama.

Classic book on USA’s Christian heritage: New edition of 100-year-old treasure reveals nation’s true religious history [see full article for details]

The organization, which has 300,000 members, also noted that the White House fails to recognize the Constitution’s protection for citizens’ right to “keep” arms.

“Indeed, the U.S. Supreme Court in Heller expressly addressed the right to ‘keep’ a handgun for self-defense within the home. In its analysis, the Supreme Court, in parsing the words of the Second Amendment, analyzed the right to ‘keep’ separately from the right to ‘bear’ arms. Id. at 581. These two words have specific, and different, meanings, protecting different sets of activities. One must first enjoy the right to own (‘keep’) a firearm in order to protect its use (‘bear’),” the letter said.

What Do Monsanto, Tekmira And The Ebola Virus
Have In Common?

Will you be one of the first Americans to participate in the trial vaccination program for Ebola if offered to you?
Looking Into The Eye Of The Perfect Storm

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” ~ Hosea 4:6

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The development milestone is part of the research program under the Option Agreement Tekmira signed with the agriculture company, which we announced on January 13, 2014. The Option Agreement relates to Tekmira’s proprietary delivery technology and intellectual property for use in agricultural applications. The potential value of the transaction could reach up to $86.2 million, following the successful completion of all program milestones.

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—Daily Cartoon—

Mission Accomplished
» Cartoonist: Steve Breen is the two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the San Diego Union-Tribune. His provocative political cartoons that have captured the attention of some of the nation’s premier publications.